Our excellent plans for an in-person February Candlemas have were CHANGED due to COVID-19. We hosted an Ethereal (Online) Royal Court on the original date for Candlemas — and the in-person feast, Arts & Sciences display, and Baronial court on April 23. Next year we expect things should return to normal.
“Son of Candlemas”: April 23, 2022
On April 23, our hard-working Candlemas planning team, led by our event steward, Arontius of Bygelswade , presented the second attempt at Candlemas! There was an amazing feast led by Elisabeth de Besancon . Many, many, people came together to make this event a success.
Opening court at the event was the final, farewell, court by our previous Baron and Baroness, their Excellencies (unknown person) and Eilidh Keldeleth , and afternoon court was the first in-person court by our current Baroness and Baron, their Excellencies Kloe of Thira and Arion the Wanderer . There were also A&S displays and discussions, classes, youth and family activities, a table-decorating challenge, a heraldic mask challenge, and other exciting activities!
This year’s annual Arts & Sciences and Bardic championships have been postponed from Candlemas to Harvest Feast (October).
Candlemas Ethereal Royal Court: February 5, 2022
On February 5, 2022, Her Royal Majesty Rauokinn, Queen of An Tir, held an Ethereal Court with Their Excellencies of Dragon’s Laire, our Baron and Baroness, Arion the Wanderer and Kloe of Thira . Several members of Dragon’s Laire were granted awards!
View the recorded video on the Kingdom of An Tir’s YouTube channel:
Past Candlemas Events
To see the web page from our 2021 virtual Candlemas celebration: https://dragonslaire.antir.org/wordpress/events/candlemas/candlemas-2021-event-information/
The Gallery of Works from 2021 is an on-line display featuring ten different research, reconstructions, and performances by our members.