Candlemas 2025

Save the date! February 1, 2025

Barony of Dragon’s Laire
Barony of Blatha An Oir

Their Excellencies Dragon’s Laire and Blatha An Oir invite you to join us for camaraderie and feasting, as we celebrate a joint Candlemas in the borderlands on February 1st, 2025.

Our event Steward is Jessy Gateman heraldic device for Jessy Gateman. The theme for this year will be the Danish concept of hygge (pronounced who-ga)–the atmosphere of warmth and enjoying the good things in life with good people.

Preparations for Candlemas are in the beginning stages. There is plenty of room on the event team for those who would like to be part of the event. Feel free to reach out to Jess if you’re interested.

More information will be posted here, as it becomes available. Kingdom calendar link:

Volunteers needed!

Any event of this scale needs a lot of volunteers. Please consider helping out — in advance or at the event — giving just a little bit of your time. Meet people! Learn stuff! Be part of the magic!


Arts & Sciences Activities

Candlemas is in the early planning stages right now, so we cannot say for certain what will be happening in 2025. This event typically includes a variety of A&S activities — the annual Dragon’s Laire Scholars Assembly, possibly some classes, a charity auction of handmade items, etc.

Martial Activities

Although Candlemas is traditionally an Arts-and-Sciences oriented event, there is also space for fighters of the two baronies to meet outside on the practice field. If the weather is nice and Marshals volunteer to oversee activities, there could be fighting.

Feast Menu

There will be a feast for dinner. The feast typically has pre-registration that opens a couple of months before the event, so that the cooks can plan how much food to make. The theme and menu for the feast is not yet known.

Location, Cost, and Registration

See this event on the An Tir calendar of Events (link).

When: February 1, 2025, hours to be announced

Where: Key Peninsula Civic Center, 17010 South Vaughn Road NW, Vaughn, WA 98394. Please bring only FLAMELESS candles (battery-operated). This site allows discreet alcoholic beverages, if you are of legal age.

Site Fee: TBA
Feast Fee: TBA

About the Site’s Accessibility

This is an indoor site with paved parking and concrete sidewalks. The main entrance has a few stairs and a handicapped access ramp. There is another set of about six stairs to get into the gymnasium — there is a small chairlift.

New to the SCA? A little bit about what to expect…

You can check in and pay your daily fee at any time the entry Gate is open. Once you’ve checked in at Gate, you will get a site token to pin on your clothing, and you can come and go for the day. People will arrive at different times throughout the day, depending upon their interests and schedule.

For this event, you should try to come in “garb” (an attempt at pre-1650 clothing). You can borrow garb from the Gold Key deputy of the Chatelaine’s office, either for Dragon’s Laire (Kitsap county people) or Blatha an Oir (Pierce county people). Contact emails below.

An example of a feast kit with extras
Example of a feast kit with some “extras.”

Dinner is provided if you attend the feast, but lunch is on your own. Many people will bring a picnic lunch or go off-site to purchase lunch nearby.

You will want to bring a “feast kit” — a cup, a plate, a bowl, a napkin, and eating utensils. Feel free to bring more things if you want to dress up your place at the table, but those are the essentials! This particular site requires us to use flameless (battery-operated) candles for decorating. Most feasts just serve water, and there’s usually a coffee and tea service throughout the day. Some people bring their favorite soda. If you are of legal age, this site does allow alcoholic beverages–in discreet containers. Feasts often have extra food at the end, so you can bring leftover containers if you want to take some home. Plastic wrap to fit over your feast plate is the simplest!

Finally, this event has Arts & Sciences activities and space for Fight Practice. We invite you to watch the presentations, watch fight practice and meet some of our fighters, or bring a craft and join a table of people working on their own projects! Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, let people know you’re new, and ask questions.

Contact For More Information

Event Steward:
Chatelaine for Dragon’s Laire:
Chatelaine for Blatha an Oir:
Arts and Sciences Minister: