Awards, Recognitions, & Accolades


The Barony of Dragon’s Laire and the Kingdom of An Tir seek to recognize and acknowledge the efforts of the Populace, which includes everything from being an active participant at events, recreating or reconstructing historical pieces, as well as all of the steps required ‘behind-the-scenes’ in order for a successful event and branch to happen.

If the title is blue, you can click on it and be taken to the An Tir OP page about that recognition or award and a listing of the recipients.

Champions of the Barony of Dragon’s Laire

The winner of the Baronial Championship of that type, which are traditionally held once a year. Change-over occurs the morning of the next Championship tourney but if no tourney is held due to lack of participation or extenuating circumstance, the Coronet and the Champion will decide whether the Champion continues to hold the position.

Champions need not be from the Barony and are considered Officers of the Barony so must hold paid memberships and be able to sign agreements for the holding of Regalia. Youth Champions may have a parent or guardian sign for the Regalia OR the Regalia may stay with Their Excellencies.

Arts and Sciences Champion

The winner of the Barony’s Arts and Sciences Competition, traditionally held at Candlemas.

Archery Champion

The Barony’s Archery Champion is decided yearly during the Archery Championship Competition.

Armored Champion (Heavy)

The Barony’s Armored Champion, sometimes referred to as the Heavy Champion, is decided annually.

Bardic Champion

The Barony’s Bardic Champion is traditionally held at Candlemas.

Equestrian Champion

The winner of the Equestrian Championship for Dragon’s Laire. Holding this Championship is highly dependent on site availability and participation and may not be held annually. This Championship has sometimes been held at its own event.

Rapier Champion

This good gentle has won the Rapier Championship of the Barony, held annually.

Thrown Weapons Champion

The winner of the Barony’s Thrown Weapons Championship, held annually.

Youth Armored Champion

The winner of the Baronial Youth Armored Championship. May be held annually but the ability to hold conduct it is highly dependent on current youth participation.


The Sergeantry program of An Tir was originally created when An Tir was a Principality of the West and was used to draw the attention of West Peers to the worthy in the far flung reaches. Once An Tir became a Kingdom, the various Baronies that held Sergeantry trials began to modify and morph the positions to meet the needs and wants of their Populace.

The Barony of Dragon’s Laire held its first Sergeantry trial in 1995-1996 and trials have been held intermittently based on the interest of the Coronet and Populace since then. The Sergeantry program was given a thorough review and recreation in 2020 with Their Excellencies Kloe and Arion. The new program is designed to encourage leadership skills, investments in the Barony, and investment in the persona and interests of the Populace member.


A non-martiallate member of the Barony’s Sergeantry. Courtiers are those who chose to follow the paths of Arts, Sciences, or Service and may choose to use one of the subtitles, Artisan, for Arts and or Sciences, or Steward, for Service. Use of the secondary title is the option of the Sergeant.


Gallants excel in rapier-combat or cut-and-thrust and have shown proficiency in their chosen art and associated skills and swear fealty to the Barony/Baroness.


In Dragon’s Laire a Lancer is a member of the Sergeantry who has completed a set of requirements in equestrian and other skills and are obliged to swear fealty to the Barony/Baroness.


A Sergeant specializes in armored, heavy, combat and the skills associated with it. A member of the baronial order for members of the populace who have completed a set of requirements and are obliged to swear fealty to the Barony/Baroness.

Sergeant Emeritus

A member of the Baronial Sergeantry who can not actively participate in the Barony. This non-participation can be due to several reasons, including being posted overseas as part of the modern military.


A Yeoman is a Sergeant of the Barony who specializes in archery, siege, and or thrown weapons in combat or target use.

Awards and Recognitions

There are several types of awards, recognitions, and accolades that can be given to members of the Baronial Populace by the Baron and Baroness. Some are well known, for instance – the Pearl, the Wyvern, the Bumblebee, the Snapdragon, etc. Others are newer and not so well known, such as the recently created Dragon’s Tooth. What follows is a list of the various awards given in the Barony. If you click on the title of each award, you will be taken to the An Tir OP page about that award, and a listing of that award’s recipients.


These recognitions and accolades are presented during Court but may or may not recorded on the An Tir Order of Precedence. Some are given to recognize service to the Barony, such as the Dragon’s Flame for a Champion or Warlord. Others come from Orders or groups within the Barony and are not generated from recommendations of the Populace or Their Excellencies of Dragon’s Laire.

Dragon’s Flame

Awarded to all Baronial Champions of Dragons Laire as they step down from office.

Friend of the Dragon

Those members of the community whose services enrich the Barony of Dragon’s Laire while they are not a participant of the SCA or do not interact within the Barony regularly.

Honorary Citizen

Granted to those who frequently participate within the bounds of the Barony while they are a resident of another or are of King’s Lands.

The Light of Creativity and Scholarship

The recognition is given by the Order of the Dragon’s Pearl to those who participated in the Baronial Arts & Sciences and Bardic Championships and were deemed worthy of recognition for their efforts but who were not selected as Champion.

Merchants Recognition

Given to those merchants who go above and beyond to provide a medieval market experience, enriching our events, to participants of the SCA and our modern guests.

Scholar of Dragon’s Laire

A designation given by the Dragon’s Laire Scholar’s Program to those who have presented a research paper, which is determined to exceed established standards after peer review by the existing Scholars. Every competitor that meets the standard and presents their paper is awarded the title of Scholar thus building a scholastic community pledged to promoting scholarly research and writing within the Barony and Kingdom

The Scholars Program has traditionally happened at the A&S Championship event but it may happen at another event or multiple events


This is the Coronet granted recognition given to the individual who is tasked with leading and commanding Baronial forces during times of War.


The following awards and recognitions, often presented during Court, are recorded on the An Tir Order of Precedence, although they do not effect individual ranking.

Awards are granted for participation as well as increasing interest and ability in historical reconstruction of target and combat, Arts & Sciences, and Bardic as well as volunteer service to the Barony, the Kingdom, and the SCA.

Officially granted by Their Excellencies of Dragon’s Laire, nominations for these awards can and often are submitted by members of the Populace of Dragon’s Laire and An Tir.

Argent Pavilion

The Argent Pavilion is given for serious works toward make an encampment as period as possible, or to create as period-esque an encampment as possible. The ambiance can sometimes be as important as how ‘period’ the equipment is.

Baron and Baroness’s FavorBaron’s FavorBaroness’s FavorBaronial FavorCoronet Favor

These recognitions are awarded, by the Coronet or a member of it, in recognition of various endeavors by Populace members to the Them.


Awarded to individuals with notable achievements in the arts and sciences in the Barony of Dragons Laire. This is Dragon’s Laire’s first level Arts and Sciences award and may be awarded multiple times.


Given in recognition to those who participate broadly in many aspects of the Barony, for the love of all the things they do.

Defender of Dragon’s Laire

Given to recognize those that show promise and dedication in the Marshal Arts: Armored, Rapier, Archery, Equestrian, Siege, and Thrown Weapons.

Dragon Claw

Awarded to young people in the Barony of Dragons Laire for contributions of merit.

Dragon Lily

The Dragon Lily is the Second Level Service Award for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire. Unlike the Snapdragon, where multiples may be given to recognize service to the Barony, the Dragon Lily recognizes extended service over a period of time.

Dragon’s Company

Given for service to the Marshallate.

Dragon’s Flight

Used to recognize those in the Missile Community for dedication to their skills and techniques in support of the Barony on and off the Warfield. Applies to Archery and Thrown Weapons for target, combat, or both.

Dragon’s Heart

Awarded to individuals of highest merit who have provided long term service to the Barony of Dragons Laire.

Dragon’s Keep

Given by the Barony of Dragon’s Laire in recognition of service by a household.

Dragon’s Mantle

Given by the Barony of Dragon’s Laire to those who achieve great works in persona development.

Dragon’s Treasure

For recognition to those who have gone above and beyond in service or through the arts to the Barony. Awarded to any individual that has shown dedication to the betterment of Dragon’s Laire. Awarded only once.

Dragon’s Tooth

Recognizing Youth for building their skills in marshallate activities; target or combat.

Drake’s Portal

Recognizing individuals for leading the way through online resources.

Drake’s Shepherd

Awarded to individuals of merit who have provided notable and honorable service to youth activities and enhanced family involvement.

Honored Marshall

Given to recognize those individuals that have greatly impacted the Marshallate with their deeds and service. Traditionally passed on at June Faire.

Libratores Tormentum

Given for excellence in siege warfare

Mano Minos

Given for significant and lengthy service to the Arts and Sciences of the Barony.


The Nautilus is the Second Level Baronial Arts and Sciences Award for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire. Only one is given to recognize a deeper level of knowledge or deeper level of excellence in a field of Arts and Sciences than is recognized by the Bumblebee.


Awarded to individuals of merit who have provided notable service to the Barony of Dragons Laire. This may be awarded to the same individual several times.

The Flaming Newt

Awarded to Youth with notable achievements in the Arts & Sciences or Bardic skills in the Barony of Dragons Laire. This may be awarded multiple times.

Orders of the Barony of Dragon’s Laire

Dragon’s Pearls

Awarded to individual in recognition of outstanding achievement in the Arts & Sciences and or Bardic Arts in the Barony of Dragons Laire. Members of the Order are proficient in several disciplines and committed to sharing their skills and knowledge. Current members of the Order recommend selected individuals for admission to the Order to the Baron and Baroness.

Golden Hyphen

A recognized Order of the Barony. This is awarded to individuals in the Barony of Dragons Laire who have demonstrated superior organizational abilities.


The first recognized order of Dragon’s Laire, this is awarded to individuals for service to the Barony of Dragons Laire beyond the call of duty. Current members of the order recommend selected individuals for admission to the order to the Baron and Baroness.

How Are Awards Decided?

The following information has been researched and written by Laurellen de Brandevin heraldic device for Laurellen de Brandevin, then Baroness of Dragon’s Laire, and emailed to the Dragon’s Laire website on 07/25/2012

First, the system does not work without recommendations from people. The Crown, The Princes and Princesses, and Baron or Baroness cannot be everywhere at once. They are not magically endowed with omnipotence to the extent that they know all, see all, and are aware of all. They are human, they have modern lives and jobs, and they need a great deal of assistance in figuring out who is worthy for an award. That’s where you, me, and any other citizen of the Glorious Kingdom of An Tir/Mighty Barony of Dragon’s Laire come in! Anybody can write a Letter of Recommendation for any level! If you submit a recommendation to the Crown of An Tir, please also email Their Excellencies of Dragon’s Laire so that they may too extoll the virtues of Their valuable Populace member.

Without Letters of Recommendation, TRMs/TRHs/THEs may not know that m’Lord John of The Muddy Bog* has been running a new comer fight practice during Social for the better part of a year. They probably don’t know that he’s been helping people make or obtain armor. What they might see is that there are many people on the war field. If they don’t attend the new comer fight practice, they will have no ability to learn any of these helpful details that certainly support m’Lord John of The Muddy Bog* for an AoA (Award of Arms). So if you are observing m’Lord John of the Muddy Bog*, have been a recipient of his efforts, or have heard of his word-fame, send in that Letter of Recommendation! Send it! Send it now!

Second, the system does not work if you and/or your friends do not volunteer or get involved. Getting involved at Baronial or Crown level events does a number of things. It gets you and/or your friends involved at the Baronial or Kingdom level so you and/or your friends can see how things work and what jobs there are to volunteer for. And you and/or your friends get to meet new friends! More friends! What this does is connect you and/or your friends with other people throughout the Barony and Kingdom. It will be less likely that someone like m’Lord John of The Muddy Bog* will slip through the cracks if he goes to Baronial or Kingdom events and volunteers to marshal, helps get his new fighters through the armor inspection process, or helps out at the list table.

Volunteering is a simple thing. It’s nothing more than finding the right person who is in charge of the job or jobs that you would like to perform and then asking them if they need someone to do that job. Sometimes you have to ask several times. Most of the time, the people who are in charge of things at events are super busy. Keep at it. Or, if you feel that you have asked but are not being heard, come talk to His Excellency and I. That is one of the many reasons that we are here – to assist you in becoming more familiar with the SCA, to assist you in becoming more involved with the SCA, and to help you become more involved on the Baronial and Kingdom level.

Lastly, the system does not work quickly. The Kingdom of An Tir is immense and the Crown cannot be at every event. If you have written a letter for someone to the Crown and nothing has come of it after a year or so, write it again. It’s sad but true that Letters of Recommendation do not always get passed along to the next Crown. So dig up your letter and send it in again. If you have written a Letter of Recommendation to His Excellency and I and nothing has happened, send it again or come talk to us. We may be in the process of making that recommendation happen.

When an award is decided upon, several things at the Baronial and Kingdom level happen before it is actually awarded. Here in Dragon’s Laire, a scroll is generated. That takes time and effort from scribal volunteers. There might be a medallion associated with the award. That takes time and effort to obtain if we don’t have that medallion ‘in stock’. Lastly, we may be waiting for a family member to be able to attend the event. So be patient. But not too patient.

And, as an example of how passionate His Excellency and I are about Letters of Recommendation, I want to point out that we have received THREE letters in the last year. That’s all. Only three Letters of Recommendation for a Barony that contains two hundred people. We know that things are happening, that people are volunteering and working, but we cannot be everywhere. The Crown suffers the same dearth of Letters of Recommendation as well. Here is where you, as a citizen of Dragon’s Laire and of the Kingdom of An Tir can make a huge difference… send a Letter of Recommendation.The Kingdom of An Tir maintains a database of its people and the awards they have been granted. Go there and find the person you want to send a Letter about and see if they have already been given the award you think they deserve. If you think they deserve a higher level award, recommend them for that.

The Wyvern

The following information has been researched and written by Laurellen de Brandevin heraldic device for Laurellen de Brandevin, then Baroness of Dragon’s Laire, and emailed to the Dragon’s Laire website on 01/25/2012

From The Baronial Customary:
(a) The Order of the Wyvern actually predates the creation of the Barony. It was elevated to a Baronial award upon recognition of Dragon’s Laire as a Barony. Awarded to individuals for service to the Barony beyond the call of duty. Current members of the order recommend selected individuals for admission to the order to the Baron and Baroness. Insignia of the order consist of a wyvern charm, most often worn on a necklace.

What this means:
The Order of the Wyvern is the top service order of the Barony. This award is usually given to those individuals who are constantly asking if they can help, constantly lending a hand where it is needed, and who can usually be seen working behind the scenes at events to make them happen. This kind of service can manifest in being the first one at an event and the last one to leave or it can manifest as a Baronial officer who goes above and beyond their normal duties or it can simply be someone who steps up to autocrat on a regular basis. In short, a person who exhibits Baronial leadership qualities – someone who consistently and successfully works to help make the Barony run.

The Order of the Wyvern is a polling order, which is unusual at the Baronial level. It means that the members meet on a regular basis (currently quarterly) to talk about recommendations and then the group recommends individuals to the Baron and Baroness for possible elevation into the order. This group is also somewhat responsible for recommending Snapdragon awards, which is the Service/Thank-you award. 

Do you know someone who fits this bill? Don’t be shy! Go ahead and send a recommendation letter to Please be sure to check the Kingdom Order of Precedence to see if the person already has this award.

The Dragon’s Pearl

The following information has been researched and written by Laurellen de Brandevin heraldic device for Laurellen de Brandevin, then Baroness of Dragon’s Laire, and emailed to the Dragon’s Laire website on 02/07/2012

From The Baronial Customary:
The Order of the Dragon’s Pearls: (Formerly the Order of the Albion Light) was formed to recognize outstanding achievement in the arts & sciences in the Barony. Members of the Order are proficient in several disciplines and committed to sharing their skills and knowledge. Current members of the order recommend selected individuals for admission to the order to the Baron and Baroness.

What this means:
The Dragon’s Pearl is awarded to an individual who has demonstrated not only a certain depth of knowledge in a particular field in the Arts & Sciences but also a depth of knowledge in other fields. Often this is described as a primary focus and ancillary foci or “Deadly (in one focus), Competent (in a second focus), Not a Novice (in a third focus)”.

This is the highest Baronial Arts & Sciences award and, like the Wyverns, is also a polling order. The Baron and Baroness meet with the order roughly once a quarter, discuss current candidates and recommendations from the populace, and the order recommends to the Baron and Baroness the various people they would like to see recognized.

Excellence in Arts & Sciences at the Baronial level can take many forms; someone who consistently teaches classes or an individual who consistently enters the Baronial Arts & Sciences and does well are two examples. A third example is a person who uses their skill to enhance the Barony, either through largess or the creation of Baronial items or as gifts to the Baronial folk who enter competitions.

Do you know someone who fits this bill? Please let us know! Send us your award recommendations!

The Mano Minos

The following information has been researched and written by Arontius of Bygelswade heraldic device for Arontius of Bygelswade, then Baron of Dragon’s Laire, and emailed to the Dragon’s Laire website on 03/24/2012

The Mano Minos, or ‘Small Hand,’ is an award that we originated to recognize long term service to the Arts and Sciences in the Barony of Dragon’s Laire. It is loosely based off of the Kingdom level award of the Mano d’Oro, or ‘Hand of Gold’, which recognizes those individuals who provide “….significant service to furtherance of the arts and sciences in the Kingdom.” We wanted a token on the Baronial level to recognize those who have provided significant and sustained support over a long period of time to the Arts and Sciences in the Barony.

The first three awards were given at Last Chance, 2011. When you read of their achievements, you can best get an idea of what the Mano Minos is to represent:

THL Mateusz z Plocka, current Arts and Sciences Champion (for the second time), has been the Guild Minister for the Spiritmakers Guild for many years now and has been a consistent (and persistent) force advocating the joy and scholarship to be found in the creation of spirits (primarily beers, but also meads, ciders, etc.). He is known for his depth of knowledge in these arts and is sought by people actively for this expertise.

THL Rycheza z Polska, former Arts and Sciences Champion, has been the Guild Minister for the Culinary Guild of the Barony for well over a decade now and is an acknowledged expert on period forms of cooking. Her demonstrations at events are fascinating and her ability to put together a period feast that tastes good to modern tastes is also legendary. She is constantly sought for culinary support at events and gatherings and when she is in charge of providing food you know it will be done well.

THL Kassandra is well known for her abilities to make beautiful bobbin lace. Her teaching skills are tremendous she is sought out to teach of her skills at classes all over the Kingdom. Her skills have become such a force that she was recently asked to teach in Caid at the Inter-Kingdom Intensive Needlework Symposium (IKINS), which is quite an honor.

As a Barony we are extremely fortunate to have these people as resources here in our own area. They all love to talk about what they do, demonstrate their skills; and most importantly, teach of their knowledge to those who want to learn.

These are the things we look for in awarding of the Mano Minos. Do you know of someone in the Barony who should be recognized with the Mano Minos? Let us know. Send a recommendation letter to us.

The Golden Hyphen

The following information has been researched and written by Arontius of Bygelswade heraldic device for Arontius of Bygelswade, then Baron of Dragon’s Laire, and emailed to the Dragon’s Laire website on 03/24/2012

A Baronial ‘Award’ that has gone rather dormant for a number of years is ‘The Golden Hyphen’.

From the Baronial Customary:
“The Most Noble and August Order of the Golden Hyphen. Admission into the Noble Order of the Golden Hyphen is one of the truly great honors which can be bestowed on a person from the fair Barony of Dragon’s Laire. It is granted to individuals who have demonstrated superior organizational abilities. “Is There a ‘ – ‘ in Anal Retentive?” The Order was created at June Faire in June, A. S. XXX, minutes after Dragon’s Laire was elevated to baronial status. It was the first truly baronial order. The first two members of this elite order were presented with the golden hyphen medallions symbolizing the order and special raiment.”

The first two members of the Order, presented that day in A.S. XXX, were THL Eric de Dragonslaire (First / Premier Member) and Tsuruko Sensei (Second Member). The members assimilated after that date were:

  • THL Catelin Spenser (No. 3)
  • Master Arontius of Bygelswade (No. 4)
  • THL Elbhin Nic Domnial, ‘Eileen’ (No. 5)
  • THL Giovanni de la Rosa (No. 6)
  • Master Hrollaugr Njálsson (No. 7)
  • Magistra Aelianora de Wintringham (No. 8)
  • THL Elisabeth Trostin (Dragon’s Laire) (No. 9)

We are of the opinion and belief that people who pay such attention to detail that the general Populace thinks of it as an obsession are an asset to the Barony and the Society. That ability is what achieves administrative success in a World where Order must vanquish Chaos. Those who are thusly titled as ‘Anal-Retentive’ should carry that distinction proudly. 🙂

It is observed that there are current members of the Baronial Populace who fit this description well and will ensure the future success of the Barony through their acts of Hyphen-ness. It is further observed that no new members have been named in a number of years. It is therefore the intention of Their Excellencies to ensure this discrepancy be corrected as soon as possible. 🙂

Do you know someone in the Barony who should be recognized thusly with admittance into the Order of the Golden Hyphen? If so, let us know.