Dragon’s Laire Marshallate

Baronial Marshal:
Posiedonious Lakon heraldic device for Posiedonious Lakon

What is the Marshallate?

The Marshallate is the entity in charge of combat protocol and organization in the SCA. The Barony has a overall Marshal, and that Marshal has sub-officers who help with the various different aspects of SCA combat. These sub-officers include the List Mistress; she runs the ‘lists’ (fields) of combat with the help of the Marshal and the heralds.

Although every fighter is responsible for their own equipment, Marshals also inspect fighters’ equipment and weapons before every practice session or tournament. Marshals also authorize fighters to participate in SCA combat activities. Authorization indicates that a fighter understands the SCA rules for their type of combat and can operate safely on the field. Authorizations in the Kingdom of An Tir are recorded in a central database and must be renewed every 4 years.

Areas of SCA Combat

Generally, SCA combat is divided into several types: ‘heavy’ or armored combat, rapier combat, archery, thrown weapons, and siege weapons. For those who ride horses, there are equestrian activities and combat, although currently the Barony does not have an equestrian marshal due to the lack of horse riders in the area.

For the youth of the Barony we have Youth Armored Combat.

Marshal Contacts

Helmet: Proconsul Conchobar
Copyright David Clough, 2015

Baronial Marshal: Posiedonious Lakon heraldic device for Posiedonious Lakon
Baronial Armored Combat Marshal: Andras Truemark heraldic device for Andras Truemark
Baronial Youth Armored Combat Marshal: Lyndi of Summergate heraldic device for Lyndi of Summergate
Baronial Rapier Marshal: Felix Fitz Pierce of Dover heraldic device for Felix Fitz Pierce of Dover
Baronial Archery Marshal: Brian of Cardiff heraldic device for Brian of Cardiff
Baronial Thrown Weapons Marshal: Robert the Taylor heraldic device for Robert the Taylor
Baronial Siege Marshal: Arqai Ne'urin heraldic device for Arqai Ne'urin
Baronial Lists Minister: Halldora Bjorn heraldic device for Halldora Bjorn

Dragon’s Laire Practices

Some practices may have to be cancelled due to COVID-19, if current state, county, or SCA guidelines prohibit in-person activities. Additionally, heavy winter rains sometimes inundate the practice field. The situation can change rapidly, so please check the Dragon’s Laire Facebook group for any last-minute updates from our Marshals.

Please see our weekly events information for more details, including addresses and updated schedule information.

We also have a variety of Baronial Facebook groups dedicated to specific martial disciplines. Click here for a listing: https://dragonslaire.antir.org/wordpress/resources/#Facebook_Resources

In general: in the warmer months (Spring to mid-Fall) Thrown Weapons, Heavy Weapons, and Rapier practices are on Tuesdays at the VFW Hall at the Baronial Social and Fighter Practice (6-8 p.m.). Archery practices are on Wednesdays from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the VFW Hall.

During the cooler months — weather permitting — Thrown Weapons and archery practices are held at the same location, if the weather permits, but move to midday on Sunday. Heavy Weapons and Rapier may change days and locations, depending upon the year-to-year availability of an indoor site.

Local Fight Practices

Other baronies and shires hold practices which those from Dragon’s Laire are welcome to attend (and vice versa!). Here are a few of them. Please do check the local entity’s website to assure time and place.

MadroneSeattle, WAhttps://baronyofmadrone.net/activities_practices/armored-combat-practice/
AquaterraEverett, WAhttp://aquaterra.antir.org/calendar-events/
Glymm MereOlympia, WAhttps://glymmmere.antir.org/colibri-wp/calendar-of-local-activities/
Blatha an OirTacoma, WAhttp://blathaanoir.antir.sca.org/meetings-practices/

The Honored Marshal

Honored Marshal is an award given yearly to a baronial Marshal who truly shines in their work.

The following has been faithfully kept by Maestra Althaia filia Lazari, Martial Authorization Officer, Curia Clerk & field marshal, Barony of Dragon’s Laire & Clan Carn

  • June Faire 2023: Alaricus Simmonds (Target Archery)
  • June Faire 2022: Jacques Luis de Normandie (Rapier Combat)
  • June Faire 2019 – 2021: (none selected)
  • June Faire 2018: Stephen the Sinister (Target Archery, Thrown Weapons)
  • June Faire 2017: Arqai Ne’urin (Siege Weapons)
  • June Faire 2016: Stephen of House Awry (Thrown Weapons)
  • June Faire 2015: Arcos Loegaire mac Lochlainn (Target Archery)
  • June Faire 2014: Khulan Shizir (Target Archery)
  • June Faire 2013: Arqai Ne’urin (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2012: Karl von der Ostwache (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2011: Myrick the Bear (Youth Armored Combat, Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2010: Carlos Luis Lancero (Rapier Combat)
  • June Faire 2009: John Wolfstan (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2008: Talentus del Albero “Talon” (Rapier Combat)
  • June Faire 2007: Christopher Maceveny (Rapier Combat)
  • June Faire 2006: Ifanwy ap Lyam Llewelyn (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2005: Robert “RedBear” Makcalpyn (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2004: Stephen Desjardin (Armored Combat, Target Archery, Siege Weapons)
  • June Faire 2003: Althaia filia Lazari (Armored Combat, Rapier Combat)
  • June Faire 2002: John Wolfstan (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2001: Drakkus Blackrogue (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 2000: Caroline dePoliana (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 1999: Denis Duncan MacLaren (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 1998: Unknown
  • June Faire 1997: Caroline dePoliana (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 1996: Tuirrean ni Chaoilte dal gCais (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 1995: Drakkus Blackrogue (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 1994: Shandrea Silvertrue aka Asny Haakonsdottir (Armored Combat)
  • June Faire 1993: Denis Duncan MacLaren (Armored Combat)

Note: the information for some Honored Marshals may have changed since the time of the award.