Honored Nobles, pray attend! That glorious time is once again upon us and June Faire is just upon the horizon.
Join Dragon’s Laire June 14th – 16th, 2024 at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds for a weekend of amazing A&S demonstrations, fantastic Bardic presentations, and daring marshallate activities of every flavor!
Come share your time, skills, and festivities with us!
Our June Faire Event Stewards, Ciar ingen Fiachnae and Furia Domitia
are leading a team of dedicated volunteers to organize our biggest event of the year.
Links to other June Fair informational pages:
– Kingdom of An Tir Calendar
– Facebook event page for June Faire
– For the public part of the event on Saturday: Kitsap Medieval Faire on Facebook and the web
Latest News
- 1 Volunteers Needed!
- 2 When and Where?
- 3 What can we expect? – Friday
- 4 What can we expect? – Saturday
- 5 Food Trucks & Merchants
- 6 What can we expect? – Sunday
- 7 Accessibility Information
- 8 COVID-19 Policy
Volunteers Needed!
Many hands make light work!
It takes many volunteers to make June Faire run smoothly! We need lots of people to pitch in, for just a bit of time during the weekend.
Learn more about the (great variety of) volunteer opportunities on the sign-up sheet: https://forms.gle/ozv8NcQv7NjAJh4r5
When and Where?
Public Event: all day June 15, 2024
SCA Event Starts: June 14 at noon
SCA Event Ends: June 16 at 3pm
Location: Kitsap County Fairgrounds and Event Center
1200 Fairgrounds Rd NW Bremerton, WA 98311 (locate on Google maps)
Information for the General Public
Information about the public side of this event, the Kitsap Medieval Faire, can be found at http://www.kitsapmedievalfaire.org/.
Registration for the SCA Populace
SCA Site Fees:
Multi-day / camping: $25 US for each Adult – only $15 with paid SCA membership
Saturday ONLY: $20 for each Adult – or $10 US with paid SCA Membership
FREE for Youth (17 and under)
For additional information on memberships, please visit SCA membership services (https://www.sca.org/member-services/).
For those who did not pre-register, payment at the entry gate can be made by cash, check, or credit card.
For questions about event pre-registration: jf_prereg@dragonslaire.org
Camping for the SCA Populace
Tent/pavilion and RV camping space will be available, in separate areas. Camping is included in the weekend fee.
Camping pre-registration (“land grab”) is has closed. But you are not required to pre-register in order to reserve space. Please email us to CANCEL any landgrab.
For questions about camping: jf_camping@dragonslaire.org
For questions about RV: jf_RVcamping@dragonslaire.org
What can we expect? – Friday
The site opens to the SCA populace in the afternoon. This is the time to set up your demo spaces, pavilions, day shades, and encampments. Merchants may open early for shopping. Informal evening gatherings around camp.
What can we expect? – Saturday
The biggest public demo! Opening court and procession will be followed by tourneys, war scenarios, and demos. There’ll be some of everything — see the details below! SCAdians come from all around to compete, perform, and share their art. (Sadly, we will not have an equestrian demo this year.) Merchants will also be open. At the end of the day, the demo will end and we will have evening court. Everyone will break for dinner in their own encampments. Afterward, there may be social gatherings, bardic circles around the fire, who knows?
Baronial Court
Morning court will kick off the festivities for the public demo.
Combat Demos and Tournaments
War Field Scenarios!
Various WAR Scenarios! Including missile and Siege, both directions (depending upon Marshal availability).
8AM — 10:30 AM: armor drop and inspections. The armor drop-off area, armor inspection area and fighter entrance to the War Zone is the SE corner of the Arena, directly across the street from the main fairground buildings area. There will be room under the grandstands to store armor, weapons and personal items. Armor Inspection will be on the War Field, using the SE Arena entry way, which will be clearly indicated.
9:30AM: please join the event processional!
10:30 – 12:00PM – War Scenarios – The War demonstration will be a Defender – Attacker scenario involving a serpentine River System that will feature fords and a bridge.
One Army will be defending in Scenario 1, and then swap roles with the attackers for Scenario 2. All war legal weapons will be allowed, including MISSILE WEAPONS, SIEGE MACHINE USE and HEAVY FIGHTING. All weapons and armor must comply with current and applicable Kingdom and SCA rule sets. All combat missile weapons combatants will be on the DEFENDERS side of the River. Siege Weapons will fight from the ATTACKERS side. All missile weapons and siege crew will be tasked with discharging their weapons in an EAST - WEST direction and with mindfulness of where NON-COMBATANT spectators are seated and/or witnessing the War on the SOUTH SIDE OF THE ARENA. Death from behind will occur in a safe manner by approaching from behind and, as the sword passes by the head to cover the eye area, accompanied by the clearly stated words, "DEATH FROM BEHIND." Additionally, "CAPTURE FROM BEHIND" will occur in exactly the same manner. IF you are captured, proceed to the CAPTURER'S end of the field, out of general harm's way, and consider yourself a PRISONER OF WAR and out of action for the balance of the Scenario. "DEATH or CAPTURE FROM BEHIND" must be announced in a loud and clear manner, with the pause necessary to say the words before moving on to any other fighters. No running down a line yelling the phrases as you go. Bridge, Ford and other rules. 1) Basically, no fighting from the water. If you are in the water surrounding the bridge, you have drowned and must return to your resurrection point. If you are in the water that is not a Ford, you have drowned. 2) Fords can only be crossed on the knees... no jumping or running through a ford. If you don't use the Ford, or you use it improperly, you are drowned and must go to resurrection point. 3) No standing on an opposite bank of the river and piking or spearing over it. 4) Combat archery is allowed anywhere on the river banks that is a legal distance from the target AND DOES NOT SEND PROJECTILES TOWARD ANY SPECTATORS! Shoot East and West at all times. 5) Siege weapons MUST BE placed so that all fire is directed in an arc AWAY from the Spectators and consistent with safety for anyone who might be in the line of fire. SEE MARSHALS ABOUT PLACEMENT OF SIEGE WEAPONS ON WAR FIELD. 6) Each engagement will be done TWICE, meaning DEFENDERS DEFEND against TWO CONSECUTIVE attacks, then sides switch and repeat pattern. Winners of each segment of a Scenario will receive one WAR POINT for each win. Ties will be broken, as follows: * The purpose of capturing opponents is to break TIES for WAR POiNTS. IF both teams have the same number of wins and losses, the Tie-breaker will be WHICH SIDE CAPTURED THE MOST OPPONENTS OVER ALL. Translation is, CAPTURES ARE IMPORTANT, and should prove to be entertaining for everyone. 7) Each combatant will have FOUR lives (resurrections) for each Scenario. In other words, two lives for each of two Attack phases, and two for each of two Defend phases, for a total of 4 lives for the entire War. War ends at 12 noon.
Any questions can be directed to Sir Andras Truemark, via his FB page by the same name (without the Sir) or in person Saturday morning. Rule of the Day is – HAVE FUN, BE SAFE, STRIKE CLEANLY, TAKE LIGHTLY, ENTERTAIN THE CROWD AND REMEMBER, THIS IS JUST A GAME DESIGNED TO BE ENJOYED. IF WE ALL ARE CHIVALROUS, WE WILL ALL HAVE FUN!
Procession into the Fields / Arena
9:45AM — line up for the procession in 3 groups
*Target Archery and Thrown Weapons
*Rapier & Cut and Thrust and YAC
*Armored Combat (Heavy, Missile, Siege)
*Meet at the fairgrounds – Location TBD
*Either between Camps and the Barns
*Down the road between the Barns and Vanzee
*Along the North Side of the Kitsap Pavilion
10AM — procession to Thunderbird Arena. March towards the Gate, and split off just before the road. Target, Rapier, and YAC will split off and return to continue to their fields. Armored Combat will continue across the road and into the Arena.
Armored Combat Championship for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire
1 PM – 2:30PM: Dragon’s Laire Heavy Armored Tournament.
Format: Gladiatorial bear-pit, hold the field.
There will be a PROCESSION into Baronial court for fighters and their inspiration to be accepted into the tournament. This is similar to what is done for Crown tourneys. After Their Excellencies agree on entrance, a Herald will announce names of both fighter and inspiration to the visiting audience. Bring your banners and/or flags, if you have them, and make a splendid entrance!
Rules for Baronial Championship Tourney. Sign into Lists. Membership and fight card necessary. Then go through armor inspection (again). Bring forth all tournament legal weapons brought, to be inspected before use. No formal order for procession. Line up as list sign and armor inspection is done. The Tournament will be held in a single eric. It will be done in Bear Pit fashion. Winner stays in and loser goes to back of line. Weapons will be assigned via random choice (This is why fighters should bring their gauntlets and all weapons that are tournament SCA legal). There will be two "bears," chained to stanchions on opposite sides of the eric. If a fighter is maneuvered into their range and an engagement ensues, should the Bear win, the fighter leaves the eric as though he had died by the hand of the other combatant with whom he entered, and that fighter wins the point for the win. When the tournament ends, the two fighters with the highest point total will be sent to Their Excellencies Baron and Baroness of Dragon's Laire, where they will individually be interviewed and a chosen winner announced.
Armored (Heavy) Period Kit Tournament
3:00 – 4:30PM: Period Kit Tournament
As per previous Period Kit Tournaments, the fighter must be in reasonably PERIOD CORRECT armor for their persona in order to enter. Other rules are per Sir Decimus Marius Gavinus Brittanicus of Blatha an Oir.
Rapier / Cut & Thrust: Tournaments and Demos
We will host several activities throughout the day:
- Dragonclaw Tournament
- Open field
- Melee scenarios
- Cut & Thrust
- Youth Rapier practice!
Target Archery Shoots
- Royal Rounds
- Inter-kingdom archery competition (IKAK)
- Inter-kingdom combat archery competition (IKCAK) – based on interest
- Society seasonal archery challenge (SSAC)
Target Siege Weapons
The range will be open from after morning court to the beginning of evening court on Saturday. There will be one range set up for royal rounds. Any SCA member who has entered through Gate and is tall enough to safely use the siege engine may enter a score. There may be a second engine running as a demo for the public on a parallel target.
- Target Siege – get your scores in!
- Prize Tournament – Aggregate score for 3 activities (details to come)
Thrown Weapons
Get your scores in! Prize tournaments!
- Novelty Throw: Save the Dragon! (axe) Something’s stealing Dragon Eggs, hurry to the rescue! Use your axe to cut the lines to drop the Egg into the basket.
- Novelty Throw: Shoot the Apple (spear) Don’t hit the knight, your goal is to spear the apples for points.
- Novelty Throw: Bubble Knife Pop (knife) Hit circles of various sizes for points.
Chatelaine’s Booth (Newcomers Welcome!)
This is a welcome and informational point for newcomers and members of the public who are interested in learning more about the SCA. Our Chatelaine, Aoife Aileanach is looking for people who will spend time at this welcome booth.
The founders of the Pride Garb Challenge want to see it grow and have encouraged the populace at large. The organizers of the garb display at June Faire have decided to showcase Pride garb this year and are requesting items to display along with dress forms. If you would like to display your Pride garb at June Faire, please contact HL Jessie Gateman, and she will put you in touch with the people running it.
This is just the first part of our summer of Dragon’s Laire Newcomers’ welcome activities! After June Faire, join us on Tuesday, June 18th, for our Annual Newcomers’ Night. Then we’ll have a series of newcomer-friendly classes at our Tuesday night socials in July–August.
SCA members are invited to give a demo at Newcomer’s Night, teach a class at Social, and bring your SCA-related items to sell (or give away) at the swap meet.
Fabulous Four Largesse Derby
What is largesse? These are items handmade by people in the SCA, gifted to the Coronets or Crown for them, in turn, to give as gifts during court. More about largesse in general (link) and about the rules for this Derby in particular (link).
For the Fabulous Four derby, all entrants should create 4 (or more) items. Drop them off on Friday, and judging will take place throughout the day on Saturday by blind ballot. The person with the most votes will be announced in Evening Court on Saturday. The winner gets loot! and the Largess will be given to the Baron and Baroness for use by Them and the next Coronets.
Arts & Sciences Demos
Culinary Guild demo
Look for the cookfires and come chat with Dragon’s Laire’s culinary guild as they demonstrate medieval recipes.
Artisans’ village
Come meet the Artisans and Craftspeople of the Middle Ages and Renaissance.
Our A&S Minister, Master Karl inn irski , has been hard at work coordinating the Artisans’ Village for this year’s June Faire.
The Artisans’ Village will be both indoor and outdoor, so make sure you see them all!
- Italian Renaissance cultural display
- Norse cultural display
- Roman cultural display
- Cheesemaking
- Culinary guild – open-fire cooking (outside)
- Historical clothing display
- Sheep-to-shawl demonstrations
- Fiber dyeing display
- Wool spinning into yarn
- Weaving narrow bands and whole cloth
- Needlework
- Nalbinding
- Renaissance-era lacemaking
- Sable Costumer competition
- Medieval games
- Illumination & calligraphy (scribal)
- Leatherworking
- Metalworking (small items & jewelry)
- Moneyer’s guild
- Pottery-making demonstrations (outside)
- Woodworking
- Spoon carving
- Historical wood lathe demonstration
Bardic Stage Performances
Many thanks to our coordinators, Mistress Elisabeth Piper and Mistress Elanor of Eccleshall, for this delightful line-up!
11:00AM – Dame Elisabeth Piper – Harp
11:30AM – Singalong – Rounds
NOON – The Honourable Andromacha of Lesbos – Stories from Greek Mythology
12:30PM – Armiger Erik MacLost – Songs and Storytelling
1:00PM – Singalong – Rounds
1:30PM – Dame Elanor of Eccleshall and Dame Elisabeth Piper – Medieval Instrumental Music
2:00PM – l’Falsari Commedia dell’arte – Play, “Prestige Class”
3:30PM – Dame Elisabeth Piper and Armiger Aeffe Michaelsdottor – Recorder Duets
After hours on Saturday, the Dragon’s Laire encampment will host an informal bardic fire for SCAdians.
Youth & Family Activities
Planning is in the works, and it looks exciting. More information to come.
Food Trucks & Merchants
Typical open hours:
Friday – after set-up, until dusk
Saturday – 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM
Sunday – before noon (then break-down begins!)
Food vendors
- Diamond Coffee Company – Coffee and energy drinks.
- Funnel of Love – Funnel cakes, elephant ears, deep-fried treats.
- His Ohana Shave Ice – Hawaiian and Taiwanese shave ice and ice cream.
- Hot Dogs Etc – Hot dogs, Polish sausages, chips, and drinks
- Mage Berry Potion Emporium – Lemonade, energy drinks, and cookies
- Magik Cauldron – Kettle corn, gourmet cotton candy, Lemonade, slushies, baked potatoes, grilled cheese, etc.
- Smokin’ Robinson’s – St. Louis-style BBQ
- Sauced Food Truck – Filipino, Mexican, and American.
General goods
- BB Wolf Pack – 3D printed dragons, dens, castle dice towers, dragon eggs, dragon cage dream catchers
- Bear Mountain Forge – Hand-forged swords and knives
- Chocolate Lantern & Apothecary – Lanterns, dragon tooth ‘daggers’, handmade jewelry
- Dark Age Games – Period (Medieval / Renaissance) Games
- Dragonskiln Studio – Sculpture
- DragonStorm – Hand-made knives, leather products, mugs, and pouches
- Ember’s Sidequest – Norse hoods, early-period garb, pouches, wood jewelry
- Fancy Accent Tea Co – Packaged teas
- Gaean Allusions Pottery – Wheel thrown/decorated stoneware with Celtic & Mythic designs
- Handyman – Games, woodcrafts, cards
- Hawk’s Forge – Hand-forged period camp equipment
- Horse ‘n’ Round Studio – Handspun yarn, spinning supplies (including some raw wool from my own sheep)
- Inky Quills LLC – Handcrafted, cold process soaps, shaving soap kits, lotion bars, shampoo bars, and soap dishes
- Keltic Kraze – Wood items decorated with Pyrography, Feastware, hair accessories, brushes and combs
- Luthor Leather – Leather goods
- Medieval Masterworks – Leather art
- Nordic Trader – Nordic Wares, Viking Age museum reproductions
- Persistent Tiger Design – Jewelry and semi-precious stones
- Red Wolf, LTD – Broaches, pins, torcs, and other nice SCA jewelry
- Reannag Teine – Pottery
- Rosa’s Squirrel Wares – Iron-age jewelry and accessories
- Serendipity Jewelry – Jewelry
- Sidhefire Arts – Ceramic wares, pottery and primitive beads, buttons, and baubles.
- Sigourney’s Custom Cloaks – Cloaks
- TursiArt – Primarily Jewelry and Scribal supplies, almost all handmade
- Turul’s Nest – Clothing and treasures
- Vidar Leatherworks – SCA appropriate leathergoods
- Walton Enterprises – Hairpins, broaches, and other hair accessories
- Wild Woods – Ghana baskets and handmade wood and leather items
- WinterNight Bazaar – Furs
What can we expect? – Sunday
The day starts with championship tournaments for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire (rapier, archery, and thrown weapons). Merchants may still be open, and perhaps siege weapon demos. Everything winds up around noon, with a final court to crown our new Champions. There’s a lot to pack up, and then everyone goes home.
Archery Championship for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire
The Archery Championship will consist of a number of SSAC shoots with a twist. Each twist is to be announced at the time of the shoot. The top 2 (or 3, Baroness &Baron’s choice) will continue to the Q&A portion.
Rapier Championship
Rapier will be a double round robin (If more than 6 participants, format will change to single round robin.) Finals will bring the top 2 fighters, for the best 3 of 5.
London Masters-(Bring all your weapons and off hands)
Double kills – both count as loss
+2 points for win
0 points for loss
+1 point per each style of offhand
Styles of offhand are as follows:
- Case
- 2-hand sword
- Sword and dagger
- Sword and shield
- Sword and Baton/cane
- Sword and cloak
- Sword and soft other (stuffed animal, rubber chicken, pool noodle… Etc.)
- Sword and hard other (Ladle, odd decoration… Etc.)
Thrown Weapons Championship
Round 1: Royal Round
Round 2: 5 Throws per weapon with non-dominant hand
Round 3: Color Call Elimination round – miss 3 out of 5 color calls and your out eliminated. Your weapon must be 2/3 in the color to count, line cuts do not count.
Accessibility Information
There are two sets of public bathrooms with accessible stalls. One on the main event level on the east side between the barns and youth activities, and the second at the base of the path to Boand arena on the north side.
Accessible port-a-potties and hand-washing stations are throughout the site.
Golf Carts
Golf carts with mapped stops and some sort of seating will be distributed without the site and those who need to be delivered to an on-site location rather than a stop will be able to do so.
Mobility access
The main event site paths are paved but there are three slopes around the site.
The first, is a relatively short hill between the camping and the main level of the site; this is not paved, although it is generally well-packed.
The second is to the Boand arena; there is a paved path from the upper level down, and it is slightly steep.
The third is a relatively steep hill leading to the Gate for moderns and the Pavilion parking. There is a paved path with a gentle slope from the food-truck square down to the parking.
Quiet Space
The ‘Chillvillion’ will be available for a quiet space with fidgets and seating. Signage pointing to it will be throughout the event, and it will be located on the site map.
Designated parking will be available in both Gordon Field Parking (SCA Camping and daytrip until full) as well as the Pavillion Parking Lot (SCA and Modern attendees)
Service Animals
Service animals are allowed in all public spaces, including the President’s Hall.
Pets are allowed on the grounds but NOT in the President’s Hall. They must be appropriately leashed at all times, and you are responsible for picking up their poop. Poop bag and trash can stations are scattered throughout the grounds.
Contact Info
For additional questions, please reach out to our EDIB Officer, HL Jessy Gateman.
COVID-19 Policy
“No matter what safety precautions we put in place, there is no substitute for each individual being educated about the risk to themselves and their loved ones and making responsible choices to protect themselves and others from this virus.” – from the SCA
For clarification regarding the COVID policies, please our COVIDSafe Policy.