Thank you for attending June Faire!
Would you like more information about playing with our group? Information about our Newcomers Night is available here: Newcomers & Visitors
On behalf of the event team: we offer our deepest gratitude to those who helped put on the event, including those demonstrating the Arts and Sciences and our Marshallate activities; those who supported these demonstrations, including the coordinators, marshals, lists, and water-bearers; those who helped with the machinery of the event, such as gate, signage, layout, planning, and supplies; those who helped with the physical labors of the event such as putting up and taking down pavilions, setting up tables and chairs, and hauling gear and supplies; those who responded to incidents as part of the event or Seneschal team… the list goes on! As we resume our in-person activities and brush the dust from our equipment and our skills, this event asked more of us than some in the past. As a group, we stepped up and made the event a massive success. Thank you!
Máenach na Cailled, Webminister and Faire Volunteer
Faire attendee tested positive for COVID-19
June Faire 2022: June 17-19
June Faire is 40 years old! We are hard at work planning our annual June Faire SCA event, which includes the one-day public demonstration known as the Kitsap Medieval Faire. June Faire will be held at the Kitsap County Fairgrounds this year, and we hope it will be bigger than ever!

All are welcomed for a weekend in our beautiful barony as we watch the most noble of fighters from across the Known World displaying their valor on the war field or vying for the favor of the Crown and Court in the tournaments! Come and walk with us as we wander the Artisan’s Village where blacksmiths, potters, scribes, and cooks work their crafts and hone their skills! Take part in dance, song and merriment as bards and minstrels play their jaunty tunes! Indulge in the local food vendors or parade Merchants Row where goods, clothing and treasures are plenty!
Volunteers Needed!
Many hands make light work! As a perk to helping us create this grand event, Dragon’s Laire will be offering Volunteer Appreciation Gifts and provide a Volunteer Center for refreshments!
To see what volunteers we still need and to sign up, please follow this link. We also need a Decorations Coordinator. If you are interested in being a Coordinator, please email Ciar ingen Fiachnae directly.
When and Where?
Public Event: June 18, 2022, from 10am–5pm
SCA Event Starts: June 17 at noon. General SCA Populace will not be admitted before noon.
SCA Event Ends: June 19 at 3pm
Location: Kitsap County Fairgrounds and Event Center
1200 Fairgrounds Rd NW Bremerton, WA 98311 (locate on Google maps)
Detailed Gate schedule | Friday, June 17 | Saturday, June 18 | Sunday, June 19 |
SCA Gate | 12pm – 10pm for general populace Open at 10am for merchants & volunteers | 8am – 4pm | 9am – 12pm |
Modern Gate | Closed | 10am – 4pm |
“No matter what safety precautions we put in place, there is no substitute for each individual being educated about the risk to themselves and their loved ones and making responsible choices to protect themselves and others from this virus.”
from the SCA
Pre-Registration for SCA Members now CLOSED
Pre-registration has now closed. If you didn’t pre-register, you’re still welcome! Please come see us on site!
Questions about pre-registration? Contact:
Questions about camping? Contact:
SCA Site Fees:
Single Day (Friday or Saturday): Adult non-member $15, Adult member $10
Weekend (camping or multi-day trip): Adult non-member $20, Adult member $15
Youth (17 & Under) FREE
Advance Ticket Sales for the Public now CLOSED
Advance ticket sales for the Modern Public have closed. Tickets are available at the event!
Questions about tickets? Contact:
Ticket costs:
Adults: $15
Youth (17 & under): FREE
What Can We Expect?
Combat Demos and Championship Tourneys
Their Excellencies, Baroness Kloe of Thira and Baron Arion the Wanderer, bid you all welcome to WAR! The Mighty Barony of Dragon’s Laire claims that lands, purchased with 300 POUNDS of An Tir’s FINEST chocolate chip cookies, have never been rightfully ceded — whereas Bold Blatha An Oir claims that the purchase price was never paid in full!
This is an overview of combat activities for June Faire — please find more details on the An Tir event site. In general, Saturday is mostly war scenarios, demos, and archery shoots for points. Sunday will see our annual Baronial Championship Tourneys for almost all of the combat arts!
Saturday, April 18
Armored War Field Scenarios!
Every other scenario has archers, thrown, and siege.
Each battle represents a battle from history.
Battle of Stamford
- Even sides
- Open field
- Resurrection
Thermopylae: the power of spears
- The knights and a few representative squires, or all those with spears, are the Greeks. The rest are the Persians. There’s a narrow approach. Greeks are allowed to set up first in the “gates”. Archers are not in the first run of the scenario.
- Second run: archers are allowed. Greeks demonstrate the testudo.
Battle of Northam: the power of cohesion
Boat landing. Side one attempts to land boats. Scenarios is run twice, once with archers, once without.
Battle of Stirling Bridge: the power of preparation and tactics
The Scots get to set up a pocket at the end of a very narrow bridge. Same numbers on both sides. Run twice, once with archers and once without.
Agincourt: the power of archers and siege
Fewer heavy fighters, including all the combat archers and siege, on one side. The other side approaches through a narrowed frontal approach, walking (to simulate the mud that hampered the French advance), and not using their shields for defense above their heads (to simulate the arrogance of the French as expressed by historians).
Rapier / Cut & Thrust
– The Dragon Claw Tourney: a newcomers tournament.
– Open Field.
– The Master of Defense Invitational: Our Rapier Masters choose a fighter they picked as someone who inspired them, or stood out.
– “Tacoma narrows” bridge battle, a team event.
– Depending upon space and marshal availability, we hope to have a Cut & Thrust Tourney.
All Archery shoots are open to all SCA-permitted ages.
ALL YOUTH REGARDLESS OF AGE must have a parent or guardian present at the activity they are participating in.
Modified William Tell
There will be two separate groupings:
- Group 1 archers with a Master or Grandmaster average will shoot an elimination round of closest to edge (closest to the outer edge of the white ring without being off the target).
- Group 2 archers with a novice, archer, or bowman average will shoot an elimination round of closest to the center.
The top 4 archers from each group will shoot the William Tell with the top archer in each group shooting a final round.
Counterweight Shoot
This shoot consists of 2 groups of archers shooting at water bottles suspended from a pully system.
The winner of each round is the archer that causes their opponent’s bottle to hit the ground first.
Society Seasonal Archery Challenge (SSAC), 2nd Quarter
This shoot will be whatever the current SSAC is at the time.
Wand Shoot
Time permitting, just for fun
Grand Archery Tournament (GAT) Shoots
If there are sufficient shooters with existing GAT scores
The requirements for the GAT scores to be recordable are that the shoot must be posted in an official publication, they must have a point value such that all competitors can be ranked, and there must be a minimum of 5 competitors with current GAT ranking.
Thrown Weapons
– Thrown Weapons Inner Kingdom (TWIK) scoring
– Novelty Demonstration
– Open Range
Sunday, April 19
Armored Championship tourney
for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire
Rapier Championship tourney
Dragon’s Laire Rapier Championship Accolades Tourney
Archery: IKCAC
Inter Kingdom Combat Archery Competition
Note that this is NOT the same as IKAC!
Thrown Weapons Championship tourney
for the Barony of Dragon’s Laire
Equestrian Demonstration
Due to multiple events overlapping, there will be no equestrian activities at June Faire this year. They will DEFINITELY happen at September Crown, and we hope to bring them back for June Faire 2023.
Arts & Sciences Demos
Demonstrations (Artisan’s Village):
Food and cooking! Woodworking! Metal working! Pottery! Print making! Scroll illumination and calligraphy! Fiber spinning! Weaving! Lace-making! Costumes! Equestrian display! Games! Norse culture and Roman displays! For more details, please see the An Tir June Faire page.
Bardic Stage Performances
Want to perform? Let us know! Our bardic organizers are Elizabeth Piper and Elanor of Eccleshall.
Youth & Family Activities
– Block printing: a hands-on and slightly messy “try it yourself with our help” activity
– Archery: SCA tournaments are open to SCA youth who wish to participate
– Thrown Weapons: SCA tournaments are open to SCA youth who wish to participate
Food Trucks & Merchants
We have excellent merchants lined up for June Faire! To see the up-to-date list of merchants and food vendors, please follow this link to the Kitsap Medieval Faire website or the An Tir June Faire calendar listing.
Right now, we expect a limited number of food trucks will be available on Saturday. We’re trying to line up more!
Learn More
– For SCA members: June Faire on Facebook and on the An Tir Calendar of Events
– For modern spectators: Kitsap Medieval Faire website
Accessibility Information
The Kitsap County Fairgrounds has parking on site for those who require assistance with mobility. The main thoroughfare is paved and many other areas are compacted. There is a hill between the upper level of the event and the Lower Bowl and Equestrian Arena — where Equestrian, Archery, Thrown Weapons, and the Black Swan demonstration are located. Golf carts will be available to assist people moving around the site.
Water, flushing bathrooms, port-a-potties, and hand-washing stations will be provided.
We are working on providing a quiet space near event activities for those who may need it.
If you have a question or concern, please email the Seneschal, Pernell Camber , and we are happy to assist.
Watch Videos from the 2021 Virtual June Faire
We held our 38th annual June Faire on-line. We had a live video event with social gathering, court from Baron Arion and Baroness Kloe, and a bardic circle. Additionally, our event team assembled a YouTube playlist featuring classes, demos, and bardic performances for all to enjoy.
YouTube Playlist: 34 videos (link)
Classes & Demos on the Playlist
- Events Presentation with Master Arontius
- Rectangular Construction with HL Jessy “Jess” Gateman
- Historical Archery Gear with the Black Swan Archery
- Combat & Target Siege with Stephen the Sinister and Milo of House Awry
- Repoussé with Thangbrandr
- Adventures in Paper Making with THL Bera-Skalla of Awry
- Thrown Weapons Do’s & Don’ts with Archos Stephen the Sinister and Archos Marcel of House Awry
- Winningas demo with Ermanarich ‘Morgan’ Guotemann
Performances on the Playlist
- THL Volk the Grey – Wolf’s Shadow revised, Anansi Long Legs, and How Raven Brought Light
- Amnara the Savage – Inspiration and Beverly Anne
- Erikk MacLost – Scotsman in the Sky and The Road Goes Ever On
- THL Pernell Camber – Greensleeves
- Baron Arion the Wanderer – Miniver Cheevy and Ancient Wisdom
- Ermanarich ‘Morgan’ Guotemann – Conchobar at The Pass, Battle at Gold Beach, Battle at Finnesburgh, Hitting the Wall, Telamon at The Beach, Shooting People, and an Interview with Artunis
- m’Lady Halldora Bjorn – The Tournament, Loaf Thee, Savage Daughter, and Friends
- THL Andromach tu Lesbos – An Tir I Am Home and Tale of Arachnae
- THL Maire nic Siobhan – Weaver Story
- Master Arontius – Saltarello 14th C Dance tune and a Sonnet
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