
Save the date – March 29, 2025

Come celebrate Ostara with the Mighty Barony of Dragon’s Laire! In Anglo-Saxon times, Ostara was the celebration of the Spring Equinox.

Activities include a Dragon Egg rescue tournament for both Heavy and Rapier, classes, a Dragon Egg decorating competition, a Dragon Egg hunt and games, and a project area for those wishing to work on arts and sciences. A Barbeque of meats (provided by the Barony) with potluck side dishes is also planned.

Our esteemed event steward is Adelheide Leeuwin heraldic device for Adelheide Leeuwin.
See this event on the Kingdom calendar (link).

Where, when, and how much?

Where: Community Building in Island Lake County Park, 1087 NW Island Lake Rd, Poulsbo, WA 98370
When: March 29, 2025 – 10am to 9pm
Cost: Adult non-members $25, Adult members $15, Youth 17 and under FREE
– For more information about paid SCA membership: https://www.sca.org/join-us/


Martial Tournaments

Dragon Egg decorating competition

Dragon Egg hunt & games

Arts & Sciences classes and project area

Food & Drink

Box Lunches

The Dragon’s Laire Culinary Arts Guild. will offer their ever-popular box lunches at Ostara. These are usually at-cost meals featuring a variety of historical foods.

Potluck Dinner

Interested in being the potluck coordinator? We’re looking for one! Barbequed meat will be provided by the Barony, with potluck side dishes.

New to the SCA? A little bit about what to expect…

You can check in and pay your daily fee at any time the entry Gate is open. Once you’ve checked in at Gate, you will get a site token to pin on your clothing, and you can come and go for the day. People will arrive at different times throughout the day, depending upon their interests and schedule.

An example of a feast kit with extras
Example of a feast kit with extras

For an event like this, you should try to come in “garb” (an attempt at pre-1650 clothing). You can borrow garb from the Gold Key deputy of the Chatelaine’s office — click the link to email the Chatelaine, Aoife Aileanach heraldic device for Aoife Aileanach.

If you plan to join the meal, you should also bring a “feast kit” and your potluck offering. A feast kit is simply a cup, a plate, a bowl, a napkin, and eating utensils. Feel free to bring more things if you want to dress up your place at the table, but those are the essentials!

Please label your potluck dish with ingredients, so that people with food allergies & intolerances can make informed choices. And remember to bring a serving utensil! Where the potluck is scheduled for the evening of an all-day event, most people will also pack a picnic lunch and some beverages for the daytime.

There will also be Arts & Sciences and Bardic activities. Watch, join a class, or bring a craft and participate! Don’t be afraid to introduce yourself, let people know you’re new, and ask questions.

Finally, this event has martial activities (fighting) — everybody can watch, and bring your fighting equipment if you want to participate. For informal practices, you can ask the Marshal in charge (link: more about the Marshallate) to bring loaner gear for you to try things out. For tournaments and wars, we ask fighters to be pre-authorized in advance (to prove you understand the safety requirements and rules of engagement). Pre-authorization is typically done during the regular local fighter practices.