Misty Ridge Beltane

April 25–27, 2025

Please join the incipient Canton of Misty Ridge for our returning SCA event– celebrate Beltane and welcome summer on the beautiful Olympic Peninsula. Enjoy our event on Saturday the 26th, with an option to camp on-site the night before and after!

We are planning a fun-filled day on Saturday, for the whole family, including heavy weapons and rapier tournaments, a youth armored combat tournament, novelty archery shoots, arts and sciences, family games, a May Pole, potluck dinner, and a bardic circle in the evening. This is our second annual Beltane celebration, held under the sponsorship of the Barony of Dragon’s Laire.

We are also hosting a participation competition, for Lord/Lady of Beltane, to be awarded at closing court.

New to the SCA? We have an article for you — the Newcomer’s Guide to Your First Event talks about what to expect, what to wear and to bring (for a day trip or a camping weekend), and more about minors (under 18).

Interested in volunteering or sponsoring an activity? Reach out to the event steward, Máel Cáemgein mac Sheamuis Ui Chonchobair.

You can also find this event on the An Tir Kingdom calendar (link).

Location and Time

Where: Sequim Prairie Grange #1108, 290 Macleay Rd, Sequim (some maps say Carlsborg), WA 98382 (Google map link)
Event Time: April 26, hours TBA
Camping available: opens April 25 — off site April 27, times TBA
Cost: There is no site fee, but a $10 donation is suggested. Camping is $12/night (see details, below). To ensure we have a camping spot for you on the site, please Pre-Register for space. Pre-Registration forms and updates will be posted here.


Heavy weapons and rapier tournaments

Want to fight in a tournament? brand new to the SCA? Here is some advice for you.

Please do your best to get authorized before the event — this means you have demonstrated that you know how to throw blows, receive blows, and understand the basic SCA fighting rules. Because the incipient Canton does not yet have a marshal for these fighting styles, you can do this at baronial practices (link to the Barony of Dragon’s Laire’s practice schedule) and most events. You need to be a member of the SCA in order to get a fighter card. Learn more about SCA membership.

The event team is hard at work, planning all the details for these tournaments!

Novelty archery shoots

An Tir does not require archers to be authorized but you should be fairly familiar with the rules and procedures in the An Tir Book of Target (link to the An Tir library). Weather permitting, Misty Ridge hosts a weekly archery practice on Saturday (details here), and Dragon’s Laire hosts archery practice on Sunday (winter) or Tuesday (summer).

Details on the Beltane archery shoots to come….

Arts and sciences & bardic activities

Details are still in development. Last year, we had display/demonstration space for medieval arts and sciences and a culinary display / demo by the Dragon’s Laire Culinary Arts Guild..

We are having an evening Bardic circle after the potluck. Quiet hours begin at 10 PM.

Youth & family activities

Youth were the winners of last year’s Lord / Lady of Beltane! In addition to the all-ages Maypole and games, we look forward to having youth armored combat and other activities just for families.

Saturday evening potluck

The Barony will provide meats, and we will have a no-fee, buffet style, potluck dinner on Saturday evening. Those planning to join us, please bring enough to feed 6-8 people as follows:
– first name starts with A-D: bread
– E-K: side dish
– L-S: veggie/ salad
– T-Z: dessert

Please have an ingredients list on your potluck dishes. We will have limited heating and cooling capabilities in an outdoor kitchen with running water. Please bring your own drinks and “feast kit” (a cup, bowl, plate, and eating utensils). There are no facilities for washing dishes, and no outdoor water spigots. Please plan to bring plastic bags to take dirty dishes home.

The site has tables and chairs for our use. If you would like a tablecloth, please bring one.

The site permits propane fireplaces (no open woodfires) and is discreetly wet.


Camping is $12/night per sleeping unit (tent, RV, etc.) for up to 4 people. For camping fees, please bring cash or checks payable to the Sequim Prairie Grange #1108 at the site.

To ensure we have a camping spot for you, please Pre-Register for space (pre-registration coming soon).

  • Camping is dry with no hookups for RVs. We will have an area for RVs with reserved space. There are no outdoor hose spigots.
  • Please plan to bring your own drinking water and pack your trash out.
  • The site has two indoor restrooms in an outdoor kitchen.
  • The site is discreetly wet (no obvious alcoholic containers or consumption).
  • No open flame wood-fires are allowed at the site. Propane campfires are permitted with adequate space and a fire extinguisher within reach.
  • Quiet time begins at 10 PM. There are homes adjacent to the site.
  • Under control, leashed dogs are welcome at the site–outdoors only. Please plan to pick up after your pets. Failure to control properly dispose of pet waste and maintain leashed control of your pets may result in being asked to leave the site.

Contact Us

Event Steward: Máel Cáemgein mac Sheamuis Ui Chonchobair
Website: webfolks@dragonslaire.org