
Guilds in the SCA are inspired by historical medieval and renaissance guilds — these are community-level organizations that promote a specific craft or skill. Dragon’s Laire has several active guilds. Some of these are local “chapters” of a Kingdom-wide guild, others are local to Dragon’s Laire only, and still other guilds are active primarily at the Kingdom level.

Guilds offer a lot of fun and interesting activities and are a great source of learning. If you have an idea for a guild in Dragon’s Laire, by all means, explore it with the Seneschal and interested members of the populace!

Guild Ministers!

Submit your reports to the Barony via the report submissions page on this website. Your report will then be emailed to the Seneschal, Webminister, and Chronicler automatically. Thank you!

Culinary and Spiritmakers’ Guild(s)

The Guild works to engage interest and research into historical food and food preparation, including techniques, ingredients, and associated cultures. The Guild Minister also coordinates culinary demonstrations at June Faire.

The Culinary Guild and the Spiritmakers Guild share meeting times and locations. The topic of each meeting varies depending upon which guild is taking the lead for the meeting.

Guild Minister

The culinary guild minister is Ciar ingen Fiachnae heraldic device for Ciar ingen Fiachnae.


The Guild meets monthly at various locations. Contact the guild minister linked above for more information.

Links and Email Lists of Interest

The Culinary Guild has a Facebook group. Request access here.
The Kingdom also has a Culinary Guild on Facebook, available here.

THL Rycheza z Polska’s Receipt Book

Here’s a link to THL Rycheza’s excellent webpage on period cooking. If you don’t know where to start, start there!

Scribal Guild

The Scribal Guild works to engage interest and research into the scribal arts, ranging from scroll design and layout to calligraphy, illumination, and gilding, while exploring the cultures these techniques and designs came from.

Guild Minister

The Scribal Guild Minister is Tamlyn of Wyntersea heraldic device for Tamlyn of Wyntersea.


Scribal Guild meetings are generally held once a month. To find out about the next meeting, contact the Scribal Guild head linked above.

Links of Interest

From Renart le Fox de Berwyk heraldic device for Renart le Fox de Berwyk:
Printable Practice Paper
Oldest Known Irish Manuscript

An Tir Kingdom Guilds

Members of the Dragon’s Laire populace are also active in other guilds at the kingdom level: An Tir official Kingdom guilds. The An Tir CultureWiki includes information about additional, informal guilds organized at the Kingdom level.