About the Barony of Dragon’s Laire
The Barony of Dragon’s Laire is a branch of the Society for Creative Anachronism (SCA), a not-for-profit organization that studies the history and culture of the ancient and medieval world by recreating it.
Our Lands
Our branch is composed of Kitsap County and northern Mason County in Washington state, USA. We are also sponsoring the new Canton of Misty Ridge — think of this like an extended branch of our Barony — in Jefferson and Clallam Counties.

The Barony is part of the Kingdom of An Tir, which covers the Northwest U.S. and parts of Western Canada. Our barony is well known in the community for our annual June Faire, also known (to the modern public) as the Kitsap Medieval Faire.
If you are interested in the SCA but don’t live in our Barony, find a branch near you using the SCA Web site. The SCA has branches all over the USA and Canada — as well as many parts of Europe, Australia, and Asia.
Our Populace
Our members come from a wide variety of backgrounds, interests and ages. We share an interest in the history of the world prior to the 17th century. We pursue that interest by studying and re-creating the combat techniques, arts and crafts, dress, and culture of the period. This study starts in the library (or classroom) and moves quickly to the forge, needle and tourney field for a real hands-on approach.
Our Culture

Think of the SCA as the “modern middle ages” — just the good parts. There are no feudal serfs, no slaves, and no beggars. Every single participant is considered to be nobility: “my lord,” “my lady,” “good gentle.”
At the same time, there are parts of the modern world that remain essential. One example is modern medical devices (orthotic shoes, eyeglasses, wheelchairs, medication pumps, etc.). People should use whatever they need to be healthy and comfortable.
Members of the SCA strive to act in accordance with the chivalric virtues of honor and service and to provide a safe, respectful environment for all participants. The SCA expressly prohibits harassment and bullying of all individuals and groups.
Visit with Dragon’s Laire
Join Us in Person!

The Barony of Dragon’s Laire hosts a gathering almost every Tuesday to enjoy each other’s company and SCA-related activities. Newcomers are welcome! No special clothing or equipment is needed, and you don’t need to be an official SCA member. Just show up! Follow this link to learn more about our weekly meetings.
If you have questions before your visit or you would like to confirm that we’ll be getting together on a particular day, please contact the Chatelaine — the “official greeter” for new people!
Annual Newcomers’ Night
Did you have fun at the Kitsap Medieval Faire? Do you now feel the need to swing a sword or paint a beautiful scroll? Newcomers Night is a special event we hold in June, every year after the Kitsap Medieval Faire. We of the Barony of Dragon’s Laire always look forward to it! It’s a sudden influx of potential new friends who share our interests and always have just as much to offer us as we have to offer them.
After Newcomer’s Night, keep an eye on our News feed. We’re planning a series of newcomer-friendly classes at our Tuesday night socials in August.
Newcomers’ Night 2024
The Barony of Dragon’s Laire looks forward to seeing you at Newcomers Night:
Date and Time: June 18, 2024, 6:30-8pm
Place: VFW Post 4992, 9981 Central Valley Rd NE, Bremerton, WA 98311
If you are unable to come that night, you are more than welcome to join us at our weekly Social event. We meet every Tuesday at 6:00pm (click for more details).
Join Us Online!
Dragon’s Laire on Social Media
Our populace’s Facebook group
We also have a group for all the people of Dragon’s Laire, to chat, keep in touch with each other, and share announcements about our weekly gathering:
Other social media links you might find interesting
Other links — the Baronial email list, several official Facebook groups for specific interests, and some fun Instagram feeds — are listed under Forms & Resources.
Getting Started in the SCA
Meet our Chatelaine!

The Chatelain(e) is in charge of welcoming newcomers to the Barony. They also organize and oversee our small demonstrations (at schools and the like) and help organize other activities to make newcomers feel welcome and invited. The Chatelaine is a very important office for the Barony, and whoever holds the office works very hard indeed.
Our current Chatelaine is Aoife Aileanach . You can reach them via email and at most events and fighter practices and socials.
The Chatelaine has Known World Handbooks and can help you get a copy! This is a compendium of more than 80 articles on all things SCA, from cooking to costuming to service to fighting (and more).
Conduct & Behavior in the SCA
Community and fun happen when people feel safe together. Visit this page for the SCA Core Values and various policies and procedures around conduct and behavior in the SCA: