Forms and Resources for Officers & Prospective Officers

What follows are the various documents pertaining to the Barony, its officers and its management.


Monthly Reports

Submit your Monthly Report here

Other Forms for Officers

Reimbursement or Advance Form (pdf), also known as a “check request” or “cheque request” form. Submit this form to the Exchequer to obtain a reimbursement or advance. You will find other useful Exchequer forms at the An Tir Chancellor of the Exchequer website.

Acknowledgement of Donation & Receipt (pdf). Fill out this form to officially acknowledge and record a donation to the Barony, such as if a vendor, merchant, or individual member of the populace makes a donation.

For New Officers

Here is a brief introduction to the officers and deputies: what does every officer do, exactly? (link to article)

This write-up will help current and future officers understand their positions and how they interface with the other officers of the Barony:

Change of Officer form

Officer Email Account Exchange

During an officer change, the incoming and previous officer can work together to exchange the officer email account. Here are some instructions to help smooth the process. Following these steps can save a lot of time and you won’t need to get the Kingdom IT team or the baronial Webminister involved.

Office 365

All officers of the Barony have been allocated Office 365 accounts by the Kingdom. If you are an officer and have not yet set up your account, visit the Office 365 Instructions page for assistance.

Governing Policy

Dragon’s Laire Customary

This document outlines the customary ways in which Dragon’s Laire is run. Once approved, the most recent draft will supersede the previously approved customary, dated May 2011.

Dragon’s Laire Financial Policy & Budget

This document explains how the Exchequerate should operate.

Social Media Policy

Dragon’s Laire follows the Social Media Policy for An Tir and the SCA, available here, on the SCA website.

Help! with Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or writing for WordPress

Here are some guidelines to help you get started using Zoom meetings and also for moderating Zoom meetings. We also have some suggestions for online etiquette, to help your meeting or class run more smoothly.

Using Microsoft Teams instead? Here is a helpful guide.

If you are writing for the website using WordPress, this guide will help you get started. Don’t forget that everything published to the internet also requires the appropriate Grant of Use forms.