
Polling Forms due April 14, 2020

Originally posted by Ciar ingen Fiachnae: Greetings unto the Forbearing Barony of Dragon’s Laire! Official announcement of the change in our mail-in polling date has been made. Polling forms must be post-marked by April 14th. We do not, as of my writing this, have the forms or the member addresses. I will update once […]

Polling Forms due April 14, 2020 Read More »

Cancellations extended until at least May 10, 2020

(Copied from Greetings An Tir, It is a with a heavy heart that the Crown of An Tir and I have made the difficult decision to cancel events and activities (fighter practice, socials, meetings, etc) until May 10th in keeping with the most recent recommendation from the Center for Disease Control. I know there

Cancellations extended until at least May 10, 2020 Read More »

Baronial Polling

By order of Their Majesties King & Queen , Their Excellencies Baron & Baroness must begin the process of Succession. To that end the declarations of intent will begin immediately. For those intending to put their names in, letters of intent and SCA resume are due to the Crown, Ourselves, and Her Ladyship by March

Baronial Polling Read More »

Arts and Sciences Resources and Articles

About Largess The following information about largesse was written by Tsuruko Sensei for a class she gives on the subject. Other notes and comments were supplied by Dame Gwen the Potter, Magistra Aelianora de Wyntringham, and Marquessa Laurellen de Brandevin. All content copyright previous mentioned authors 2014. What is Largesse? Largesse is a gift or

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