Tuesday Social special activities for March

March is yet another month with opportunities to meet and to learn and to have fun with classes and activities throughout the month! 

 Come to the Tuesday Socials and join in on the fun and learning. Can’t remember where and when we meet on Tuesday? Click here for the details.

Remember, armored combat and rapier practice for the 2nd-4th weeks of March have moved to Thursday nights, indoors at the fairgrounds. Click here for more information.

DateWhat’s Happening?
March 7Baronial Business Meeting – starts at 6:30pm. Remember, these meetings are open to anyone wishing to attend and can be a source of information on what is happening in the Barony.

Heavy (Armored) Fight Practice: Outside the hall. (The fairgrounds wasn’t available on Thursday, this week.)
March 14Class: Chain Mail Construction – starts at 6:30pm – by Sir Sarpedon Dirkides Aegineta heraldic device for Sarpedon Dirkides Aegineta. If you have observed Sir Sarpedon at recent events, you might have noticed the magnificent chain he wears to signify his Knighthood. This is an extreme example of what the bending of metal wire might do in the construction of actual chain links and mail. Come and learn this process with him. There will be a brief demo, then people can try to make their own rings and learn a basic weave or two. If you have vise grips, smooth jaw pliers, angle wire cutters, Phillips-head screwdrivers (the plus sign one, +), or round/bar stock (not square), please bring that.
March 21June Faire Meeting! – starts at 7pm – A general meeting will be held to progress preparations for June Faire, 2023. Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol heraldic device for Elisabeth de Rossignol, the 2023 June Faire Board Chairman, will host this status meeting to discuss what has been done and what needs to be done, in support of June Faire.
March 28Class: The Surprisingly SIMPLE Rectangle – Session 1 – Pattern-making – starts at 6:30pm – by Lady Caterina da Savona heraldic device for Caterina da Savona. This is a session to take your measurements and turn it into a VERY simple pattern for a pre-1300s tunic or gown. This class is suitable for people who are new to sewing or new to medieval patterning. This will be presented live at Tuesday social AND is available on YouTube at https://youtu.be/VkgpGMc4WfY
…FYI, the sewing for this garment (Session 2) is scheduled for the Spring Arts & Sciences Day Camp on April 1 (link to event details). Students wanting to do both sessions for this class have “homework” between Sessions 1&2, to get fabric and pre-wash it.

Looking out into April, we have ONE class tentatively on the list, Multi-Cultural Heraldry as taught by M’Lord Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth heraldic device for Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth. We could fit in one other class, if there is interest.

If you have something you’d like to teach, let us know. If you have mentioned wanting to teach something, please remind me so I can schedule it and get you set up with anything you need. If you have an interest on something you’d like to learn, let us know that as well. We can search for an instructor and see if we can arrange a class.

Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank You!
– HL Arontius of Bygelswade heraldic device for Arontius of Bygelswade, Arts and Sciences Minister of Dragon’s Laire
Arontius of Bygelswade heraldic device for Arontius of Bygelswade, Deputy A&S of Dragon’s Laire