Scholars Presentations at Candlemas

From Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes, Scholars’ Assembly Minister 

This Saturday, during the Candlemas celebrations, this year’s class of Scholars will give presentations on the research papers they prepared for the Scholars’ Assembly of 2023. 

The Barony of Dragon’s Laire Scholars’ Assembly was created in 2011 in recognition that conducting, writing, and presenting research is a separate, yet foundational and related, skill set than the making of something. The program was designed to encourage and support those that wanted to develop these research skills as well as challenge those that were already engaged in the pursuit of research. In addition, we wanted to build a community of researchers that supported each other, helped new researchers improve their skills, and create an atmosphere where research could be shared. 

To this end a conference model was adopted wherein each researcher would submit a written paper for review by the existing designated scholars. Papers that passed the peer review were then presented, orally, at a designated event and the titled of “Scholar” bestowed upon the author.

The 2023 Candlemas Presentation:

10AM“Starch and Its Uses to Stiffen Linen Ruffs and Cuffs in 16th and Early 17th Century Europe,” presented by HL Annaka Poznanska heraldic device for Annaka Poznanska.
11AM“Not Just Any Old Graduation: On the Nature and Importance of Imperial Roman Military Diploma,” presented by HL Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth heraldic device for Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth.
Noon“The Experimental Redaction of Aliter Dulcia,” presented by HL Ciar ingen Fiachnae heraldic device for Ciar ingen Fiachnae.
cancelled“Macramé: Functional Art, Woven Through All of History,” presented by M’Lord Badger The Humble.
1PM“Bark Stripping, Tree Spirits and Food Colonization,” presented by HL Thea of Midvale.
2PMPosition Studies by Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes heraldic device for Madrun y Gwehyddes and Arontius of Bygelswade heraldic device for Arontius of Bygelswade. These will be short (15 minutes or less) presentations of current research projects.

Guidelines for the Day:

  • Scholars Presentations will be in the classroom space adjacent to the kitchen and near the front entrance. 
  • Each Scholars presentation will be announced 10 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. 
  • Schedules are posted around the site, and on the presentation room door. 
  • Most presentations will be via a Powerpoint presentation displayed on a screen and used to present the information from the research papers. 
  • Once a presentation has begun there will be no further entry until the presentation is over. 
  • There will be a question/comment opportunity at the end of the presentation. Please hold questions/comments until then unless the presenter has said they will take questions during the presentation. 
  • There will be a copy if each paper on the display table. Feel free to look at them, but please leave them on the display table when you are finished with them. If you wish a copy of the paper speak with the appropriate presenter. A copy of all if the scholars papers are in the Barony if Dragons Laire library. 

Please let us know if you have any questions. 
Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes and Arontius of Bygelswade.