Greetings unto the Populace,
We are excited to bring forth from the history of Dragon’s Laire a path long overgrown by time. A path a new generation of the populace can forge again. The path of Sergeantry.
We ask that those who are considering this undertaking to review the Sergeantry program and create your Declaration of Intent here: Dragon’s Laire Sergeantry
We ask any who wish to declare for Candlemas to submit all imagery and documents by 2/1/2021 here: Declaration of Intent
At this time we are allowing a rolling declaration due to COVID-19. You can declare anytime thereafter to be added at a Business Meeting or at a future virtual or in-person event. We will reassess this as we move forward in the future.
We are excited to welcome the new Adventurers on the path,
Kloe and Arion
Baroness and Baron
Dragon’s Laire, An Tir