September Crown Tournament

The Kingdom of An Tir – September Crown Tournament
September 2 – 5, 2022
The Barony of Dragon’s Laire
1200 Fairgrounds Rd NW, Bremerton, WA 98311

Quick Links

TIP: Download the PDFs to your phone or tablet so you can check the schedule, map, or emergency amenities on site even without a good connection.

Kingdom Calendar page for this event:

See this event on Facebook:

Short link to this page:

Please join your friends and family from around the Kingdom (and those traveling from far distant lands) as we witness the fierce competition amongst those who would vie for the Sable Lion Throne of An Tir. The warriors who would claim such title must be fierce in deeds and chivalrous in nature. The finest representatives of these traits will be present at this most worthy of occasions. 

September Crown is also the occasion of the Kingdom of An Tir Protector Championship (archery and related), as well as the An Tir Kingdom Equestrian Championship. Both competitions will be glorious to watch. 

The location is within the beautiful lands of The Barony of Dragon’s Laire, where Their Excellencies Kloe of Thira heraldic device for Kloe of Thira and Arion the Wanderer heraldic device for Arion the Wanderer await your arrival. We will do our best to ensure your stay with us is something to bring memories lasting a lifetime. 

The site itself is the Kitsap County Fairgrounds, which played host to the recent event of June Faire. Even though it has been more than thirty years since we used this site last, the event was a success and we learned many valuable lessons which will be incorporated into the plan for September Crown. 

Hotels are within a very short distance from Site, with all amenities one might need from a thriving city to be found in Silverdale, Washington. You will not lack for anything you might need to enhance your stay.

Event Stewards:
Arontius of Bygelswade heraldic device for Arontius of Bygelswade
Ciar ingen Fiachnae heraldic device for Ciar ingen Fiachnae
Contact them both by email:

Site Opens For Attending Populace: Noon; Friday, September 2, 2022. 

Site Closes: 5:00 PM; Monday, September 5, 2022. 

Registration Fee / Site Fee: $30 for adults (from age of majority). Members receive a discount of $5.00 (upon proof of membership). Those under the age of majority (American / Canadian) are Free. 

Pre-Registration is now closed but gate will be open on site.

Camping registration is now closed but open camping will be available. For questions about camping or your reservation, please contact Tamsyn L'argent heraldic device for Tamsyn L'argent:

RV registration is now closed. RVs who have not registered must contact Hrollaugr Njálsson heraldic device for Hrollaugr Njálsson directly:

Makes checks payable to ‘SCA, Inc.; Barony of Dragon’s Laire’. 

Site Location: Kitsap County Fairgrounds; 1200 NW Fairgrounds Rd.; Bremerton, WA 98311.


Updated 08/07/2022

Now that the basic timeline has been set, we will begin the work of wrapping all other activities and functions occurring at September Crown around this schedule. If you have activities, functions, plans, meetings, or anything else which you would like to see advertised in the Event Schedule please contact our Scheduling Coordinator. Our Coordinator is Dame Madrun y Gwehyddes heraldic device for Madrun y Gwehyddes, who can be reached at madrun13 [AT] .

NOTE: Please keep in mind that the below has been set by Their Royal Majesties, but everything has the possibility of changing between now and the event itself. All attempts to minimize change will be used, but this is your reminder to continue checking in for the latest updates.


  • NOON: Gate Opens to Populace
    NOTE: Gate opens earlier for royalty, equestrians with horses, and merchants by special arrangement
  • 7:30pm: Marshalls’ Meeting
  • 10:00pm: Gate closes


  • 7:00am: Gate Opens
  • 8:00am: Tournament Heralds’ Meeting – Black Lion pavilion on the Erics.
    • NOTE: Some versions of the schedule had published conflicting times for this meeting. As of 9/1, this is the correct time.
      Sincere apologies for the confusion!
  • 8:00am: Lists open for Crown Tournament
  • 9:00am: Crown Tournament Processional Line-Up Begins
  • 9:30am: Crown Tournament Processional & Invocation Court (1 hour)
  • 10:00am: Open Arena (Equestrian Field, ends at 10:00PM)
  • 10:30am: Crown Tournament begins (4 hours)
    • FORMAT AND NOTES: Ursulmas format – Round Robin, with top two fighters advancing to ‘Sweet 16’. Sweet 16 is best two out of three fights, single elimination. Final two will be best 3 out of 5.
    • At the beginning of the tournament, each eric will go through a complete set of salutes (The salutes in the Early Rounds will be to inspiration and opponent). Then before each fight the marshal, or herald (if we can have enough heralds for every eric, they will be asked to salute their opponent before the lay-on is called).
    • Banners on poles will be required, and will be displayed on the field (Event Team to create a ‘corral’ in a prominent location for banners to stand).
  • 3:00pm: Black Lion Meeting
  • 4:00pm: OotR/COVE Meeting
  • 4:30pm: Gate Closes
  • 5:00pm: Royal Court
    • NOTE: Riderless Horse Ceremony will happen at the beginning of Court.


  • 7:00am: Gate Opens
  • 8:00am: Pelican Meeting
  • 8:30am: Equestrian Marshall meeting
  • 9:00am: Lists open for the Equestrian Tournament
  • 9:30am: Laurel Meeting
  • 11:00am: Equestrian Championship Invocation & Tournament (2 hours)
  • Noon: Lists open for Squire’s / Cadet’s Tournaments
  • Noon: Archery Ranges close to commence preparations for Kingdom Protector
  • 1:00pm: Lance et de Leon Meeting (or immediately after the Championship)
  • 1:00pm: Lists open for Kingdom Protector
  • 1:00pm: Squire’s / Cadet’s Tournaments (Invocation & Tournament (2 hours)
    • NOTE: If hot weather is of a concern, there is the opportunity to move the Squires’ / Cadets’ Tournaments into the Arena (under cover).
  • 2:00pm: Kingdom Protector Invocation/Tournament (3 hours)
    • NOTE: If hot weather is of a concern, there is the opportunity to move Combat Archer into the Arena (under cover).
  • 4:30pm: Order of Defense Meeting (30 minutes)
  • 5:00pm: Chivalry Meeting (30 minutes)
  • 5:00pm: Gate Closes
  • 5:30pm: Order of the Grey Goose Shaft Meeting (or immediately after the Championship)
  • 7:00pm: Royal Court


  • 5:00pm: Site closes

Kingdom Protector Scenario

Updated 8/31/2022


The Kingdom Protector Tournament will be Sunday at September Crown.

Competitors will need to present both blue cards and current Fight card with authorization in combat archery in order to enter.

The tournament will be comprised of two parts; a target shoot and a combat archery shoot. Points for each round will be awarded in descending order based on number of competitors (i/e if there are 8 people that entered, the top score in the target shoot will earn 8 points and each subsequent score will earn one less point than the score above them, with the lowest score earning 1 point for their Target shoot score). The two competitors with the highest combined scores for both the target shoot and combat archery parts of the tournament will go to the finals.

More about the tournament format:

Round 1 – Target Shoot:

  • There will be silhouette targets at the 30 yard and 40 yard lines. Scoring will be based on face, head, and body shots (point distributions will be explained more in detail at the tournament).
  • At the 20 yard target there will be a simulation of robin hood shooting the hangman’s rope by using a printed target with a yellow head hanging from a rope.
  • Points will be earned by hitting the rope on the target and points will be deducted for hitting the head.
  • This will also be shot through an archers slit as if one was shooting from a castle.
  • Finally, a timed round shot at a two silhouette targets (set at 20 yards). Both targets will have to be hit for the points from this part to count towards your target shoot score, and then additional points awarded for each additional arrow hitting the silhouette targets.

Round 2 – Combat Shoot:

Standard combat archery corridor shoot (I will be happy to show you and anyone else this on Sunday once we are set up). This will be done in a round robin format.

Final Round:

The finals are traditionally decided on by the current crown.


From HL Xenos the Butcher heraldic device for Xenos the Butcher, marketplace coordinator for this event

Merchants confirmed as of August 15, 2022:

  1. Serendipity Jewelry – Stone and silver jewelry.
  2. Nordic Trader – Viking Age Jewelry and Viking Accessories.
  3. Tandy Leather – Raw unfinished leather and tools.
  4. Vidar Leatherworks – Leathergoods and vintage leatherworking tools/supplies.
  5. Thistillium Pottery – High-fired Medieval-based stoneware and porcelain functional ware.
  6. Red Troll Forge – Blades and Blacksmith Ironwork Coal.
  7. Bear Moutain Forge – Knives.
  8. Dark Ages Games – Medieval games.
  9. Bronzehammer – Hand cast Viking/Early Period jewelry and leatherwork.
  10. Medieval Masterworks – Period handcrafted leather goods.
  11. Pastiche – Books, fabric yarn, sewing notions, jewelry.
  12. Redwolf Ltd. – Broaches, pins, torcs, and other nice SCA jewlery.
  13. The Turul’s Nest – Hand made clothing, metalsmith goods, and woodburning. Possible tarot reading offered.
  14. Tabby’s Hats – Hats, veils, pins, furs, and accessories.
  15. Dragon Fire Pottery – Pottery.
  16. Ilaria’s Poterie – Pottery.

Food vendors:

  1. Hot Dogs, Etc.

Arts and Sciences Activities

Updated 07/25/2022

Even though the emphasis at September Crown is the martiallate, the Arts and Sciences will be well represented! With an Arts and Sciences Village! 

Just to the North of the Marketplace is a triangle of land which will play host to a number of activities. 

In one of the picnic shelters (the ‘log cabin’ picnic shelter) located there will be an Artisans Gathering Point, where an Artisans’ Tea will be held over the course of the day on both Saturday and Sunday. This is an area where we encourage artists and craftspeople to gather and demonstrate their works. This will be an opportunity to speak with others who have similar interests and skills. If you want to learn practically any type of art or science found within the SCA, this is an area to seek and find those with knowledge. 

At some point over the weekend (the ‘Non Crown Tournament’ day), the new Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, Her Grace Dagrun Stjarna heraldic device for Dagrun Stjarna will be holding a ‘Meet-And-Greet’ targeting all the Branch Ministers of Arts and Sciences. This is an opportunity to meet your community and talk about what is happening in your area. You can hear of what others are doing to be successful, and maybe speak to some of the activities you have planned. 

Several Artisans will have displays within the Village. This includes some marvelous displays of Norse / Scandanavian Pavilions (seen in the encampment of Duchess Stjarna Dagrun), as well as weaving on a full loom by Mistress Elisabeth de Besancon heraldic device for Elisabeth de Besancon and a pottery wheel in motion by Dame Gwen the Potter heraldic device for Gwen the Potter

At the West end of the Arts and Sciences Village is a picnic shelter which will be hosting Bardic performances and classes. This is the same location that hosted Bardic at June Faire. The wonderful and talented Mistress Elisabeth Piper heraldic device for Elisabeth Piper and Mistress Elanor of Eccleshall heraldic device for Elanor of Eccleshall will be managing this space. 

Across the street from the Village Triangle an area will host the Culinary crafts. HL Ciar ingen Fiachnae heraldic device for Ciar ingen Fiachnae will be the point-of-contact for this area. 

If you have questions, or want to get involved, please contact one of the following: 
Dame Gwen the Potter heraldic device for Gwen the Potter (Arts and Sciences Village Coordinator) – 
HL Altaliana de Segna heraldic device for Altaliana de Segna (Dragon’s Laire Arts and Sciences Minister) – 
HL Sigridr Vilhjalmsdottir heraldic device for Sigridr Vilhjalmsdottir (Decorations / Village Support) – 
HL Ciar ingen Fiachnae heraldic device for Ciar ingen Fiachnae (Culinary Actvities) – 
HL Kassandra of Dragon's Laire heraldic device for Kassandra of Dragon's Laire (Class Coordinator) – 
Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol heraldic device for Elisabeth de Rossignol (Village Support) – 
Duchess Dagrun Stjarna heraldic device for Dagrun Stjarna (An Tir Kingdom Arts and Sciences Minister) –


HL Kassandra of Dragon's Laire heraldic device for Kassandra of Dragon's Laire has coordinated classes for the event!

Class: Medieval Arrows InstructorInstructor: Richard of Westwode, fletcher
Time: Saturday, 10 AM – 12 noonBring a chair, an arrow if you have one
Cost: no costMax students: no max, age 13 and older
Learn how to craft medieval arrows or how to add whipping to existing arrows.
Class: NalbindingInstructor: Baroness Eilidh Keldeleth heraldic device for Eilidh Keldeleth
Time: Saturday, 12 noon – 2 PMBring a chair
Cost: $5Max students: 5, age 12 and older
We will be nalbinding around a small Styrofoam ball. This class will teach how to create a spiral start, evenly increase stitches, and smoothly decrease stitches. The end result will be a lightweight ball you can throw at your friends. It is an easy project that will teach the fundamental skills needed in making such coveted items as hats, socks, and mittens.

The instructor will provide the ball, wool yarn, and a needle. If there is more who wish to learn, I will be happy to teach a second class later in the evening in camp.
Class: Rush LightsInstructor: Thorbjorn inn Mikligerzki heraldic device for Thorbjorn inn Mikligerzki
Time: Saturday, 12 noon – 2 PMBring a chair
Cost: no costMax students: 8, 12 and older
Learn to turn common rush stems and a bit of animal fat into this historically ubiquitous substitute for candles. Rush light holders will be discussed as well. Students bring nothing but themselves but should be mindful that we will be handling small amounts of melted fat hot enough to burn skin and traces of which may get on hands and clothes. Instructor will provide necessary materials.
Class: Viking NavigationInstructor: Alanus of Bunghea heraldic device for Alanus of Bunghea OL and Jorunn Nalbinder heraldic device for Jorunn Nalbinder OL
Time: Sunday, 10 AM – 12 noonBring a chair
Cost: no costMax students: no max, all ages
Hands on presentation in use of the Sunstone, shadow compass, birds, fish and stars. The Norse were in contact with the Arab world and advanced navigation methods. The Arabs had been sailing out of sight of land for a few hundred years before the Viking Traders and Rus showed up.
Class: Amber workingInstructor: Gisella Lisabetta Venier heraldic device for Gisella Lisabetta Venier
Time: Sunday, 12 noon – 2 PMBring a chair, apron (optional), exam type rubber gloves (not kitchen), notebook

She will have some gloves but not the right size
Cost: $5 – $10 optionalMax students: 6, age 12 and older
In this hands on class we will explore the origins, characteristics and working properties of Baltic amber. Our project will primarily center around taking a piece of raw amber down to a finished Viking-era ax amulet. I will be providing pre-selected pieces of amber best suited to the project as well as the lapidary tools and supplies needed.
Class: Cobbling the Spangen MenaceInstructor: THL Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth heraldic device for Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth
Time: Sunday, 12 noon – 2 PMBring a chair
Cost: $40.00 if you need leather or $3.00 for handouts
Bring leather: 6 sq feet 4-8 oz.
Max students: 5, age 13 and older
Students will look at a set of reasonable ways to hide modern footwear while still maintaining its usefulness (orthotics/support/comfort). Decide on a pattern that best matches their persona, to create boot/shoe cover. (Many students should complete within the time of the class, though some may need to complete final steps at home.)

Scribal Classes

In addition, Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea heraldic device for Tamlyn of Wyntersea has coordinated the following scribal classes:

9 AMPlaying with Period Pigments (class canceled: instructor is ill)
10 AMDrawing and Painting Acanthus Leaves – instructor HL Jadwiga Radomyskova heraldic device for Jadwiga Radomyskova will be supplying handout and instruction. Students should bring pencils, erasers, inking pen/Micron, and paint or markers.
12 noonUncial Calligraphy – instructor HE Taliesin ap Hafgan heraldic device for Taliesin ap Hafgan. Early period Majuscule hand used in Book of Kells.
Instructor will provide supplies $5
2 PMIntentional Drawing – instructor Maitresse Alicia du Bois heraldic device for Alicia du Bois. Class helps improve your calligraphy skills. Instructor will provide supplies for $3 or bring .03-.05 Micron Pen, pencil, thick paper, calligraphy marker, pen
3 PMPainting Jewels – instructor Dame Tamlyn of Wyntersea heraldic device for Tamlyn of Wyntersea, materials provided, but if you have paint brushes you like please bring them
4 PMKnown World Scribes Trading Cards Soiree – come join us and learn about Scribal/Artist trading cards in the SCA. Blanks are available to work on for trading and some people may have cards ready to trade with you!


Dragon’s Laire is happy to announce that the September Crown site, the Kitsap County Fairgrounds, is accessible! The main event site is level with a few gentle slopes and paved pathways. Paved parking is plentiful and near the event. 

You can choose to camp in the main camping area, which is flat, however, located in a “bowl” or in the designated accessible area which is accessed by a short, gentle slope. Worried that neither will work for your needs? We will be providing assistance for those with mobility challenges in moving between the main event site and camping through the use of golf carts. 

As with all events hosted by Dragon’s Laire, there will be plenty of accessible biffies throughout the site. 

Day tripping and need a break from the hustle and bustle and don’t have a place to go? Perhaps you’re camping and need a place to relax but don’t want to have to go all the way back to camp. Maybe you’re dealing with sensory overload and need a place to recenter yourself. Is your blood sugar low and you’re not sure you can make it back to camp? We’ve got that covered! Take a break in our Calm Space aka the “Chillvilion” located near volunteer point. Fidgets* and water will be provided in the Chillvilion and, if needed, you can grab a snack for your low blood sugar from the volunteer tent.  

Have specific accessibility needs that are not covered here? Please feel free to reach out to me and I will do my best to answer them. You can email me directly at or message me through FB where I am Jessica Bennett.

*Fidgets are the property of my daughter. Please do not take them out of the Chillvilion. Thank you!

Royal Liaison and Vigil Coordinator

Updated 7/13/2022

Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol heraldic device for Elisabeth de Rossignol has agreed to take on the duties as our coordinator for royal support and spokesperson to the Event Planning Team. Additionally, she has taken on the responsibility of coordinating the needs and requirements of those who will be undergoing vigils prior to Peerage Elevations at September Crown. If you have activities or plans that require support and coordination in this regard, please contact Countess Elisabeth at gulesandor [AT] .

Help! We NEED Volunteers!!!

Updated 07/21/2022

My Lords, Ladies, and Honored Nobles, pray attend!

September Crown is just upon the horizon and fast approaching!

To put it plainly, we need your help! 

Opportunities abound for your skills, minds, and bodies to be utilized in helping the Dream made into Reality. 

Many hands make glorious work! 

Please reach out to the Volunteer Coordinator so that, with just a few short hours of your weekend, we can all make it an event to remember!

Yours In Service,
Furia Domitia heraldic device for Furia Domitia “Dammit”
Volunteer Coordinator for September Crown
Seneschal of Dragon’s Laire 
Protege to Dame Brighid Ross heraldic device for Brighid Ross

YAFA: Youth and Family Activities

Updated 08/30/2022

All Weekend:
There will be an interactive scavenger hunt featuring a prize for best scavenger, and small rewards for all participants. Please pick up a scavenger hunt sheet when you sign in at gate. This activity may be done by teams or individuals.
The lovely and incomparable seneschal Furia Domitia heraldic device for Furia Domitia is offering a candy bounty for litter gathering.
All activities featured below require children to be attended by their adult. No one will be permitted to “drop off” their child for an activity/class.

Edward Ean Anderson heraldic device for Edward Ean Anderson has offered to teach a class on how kids can interact safely with horses at SCA events. For kids to participate in this class, they must have their parents or legal guardian there with them, as you will be around horses! All who are attending this class must wear closed-toed shoes. If you have questions please talk to Sir Ed.
Bledyn Drwg de Caerdydd heraldic device for Bledyn Drwg de Caerdydd is teaching a hands-on felt stuffed dragon sewing craft. Supplies are provided, so a donation for costs is welcome but not required.
Elizabeth of Fernhill heraldic device for Elizabeth of Fernhill has also offered a fun and physical two headed giant race activity for kids to get physical and have a silly wild time being a two headed giant and working as a team.
Thea of Midvale has volunteered to teach a hands-on banner making craft, and Bera-Skalla Hrafnsdottir of House Awry heraldic device for Bera-Skalla Hrafnsdottir of House Awry will be there to help with block printing supplies to stamp the banners. Supplies are provided, so a donation for costs is welcome but not required.
We will have fun-noodle jousting (complete with stick horses and coconuts for sound effects), graciously loaned to us from the Barony of Glymm Mere by Tamsyn L'argent heraldic device for Tamsyn L'argent for this event. Sir Seumas mac Brehon heraldic device for Seumas mac Brehon and Lady Elizabeth of Fernhill heraldic device for Elizabeth of Fernhill with her crew will be volunteering for this activity.
Pre-Royal Court Story Time from HL Jessy Gateman heraldic device for Jessy Gateman.

Angharat verch Reynulf heraldic device for Angharat verch Reynulf will be offering Heraldry Bingo! Sunnie heraldic device for Sunnie will be her lovely assistant.
Bledyn Drwg de Caerdydd heraldic device for Bledyn Drwg de Caerdydd is an experienced YAFA Mentor who will teach a class on “How to YAFA” since we’ve recently had some changes in the way YAFA works, and there’s a lot of new families who may want to learn how to get involved. At the same time as this class, and directly adjacent, Jessy Gateman heraldic device for Jessy Gateman will be reading a fantastic book during story time featuring a dragon! Also directly adjacent will be self guided bocce and fun-noodle jousting.
Directly after the YAFA class, there will be a YAFA and Family Activities ice cream social/meet and greet at September Crown. Mentors, Family Activities officers, interested volunteers and families can meet and socialize. Thea of Midvale and another helper will be running an egg race and Bocce to keep the kids happy while grownups chat during the ice cream social.
1:00pm to 1:30pm
Andras Truemark heraldic device for Andras Truemark is our lovely willing target for whack-a-knight. Crowd wrangler will be Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth heraldic device for Iohannes Owain ap Gwyllim Pengryth. Foam weapons graciously loaned to us for this event by Farcus heraldic device for Farcus. If you wish for your youth to participate in this activity, you must sign a waver which will be provided.
Pre-Royal Court Story Time from HL Jessy Gateman heraldic device for Jessy Gateman

My name is Bera-Skalla Hrafnsdottir of House Awry heraldic device for Bera-Skalla Hrafnsdottir of House Awry. My e-mail address is Thryn.kelley [at] . But contacting me on Facebook is most reliable, ‘Kat Skalla Kelley’.

Dirty Dozen Donation Derby!

Updated 8/30/2022

Thank you! Woohoo! I received another entry into the Donation Derby at September Crown!! Please help us make this a great Derby, with many choices to vote on, by entering now! All Donations need to be at the donation table (in the September Crown Arts and Sciences Village) by 8am on Saturday, September 3rd and the populace will vote on the entries until 30 minutes before court, where the winner will be announced and all the largesse that is entered is given to the Crown and the Barony of Dragon’s Laire to give out. I look forward to hearing from you soon!!

Original Posting:

We have been having requests, so….I am hosting a Dirty Dozen Donation Derby at September Crown 2022: Saturday, September 3rd, in the Barony of Dragon’s Laire.


Please drop-off your completed and tagged items at the Donation Derby table by 8am, Saturday, September 3rd. The table location will be announced closer to the day of the event. All Donations will be shared equally between The Crown of An Tir and the Barony of Dragon’s Laire to be handed out at their discretion.

The Dirty Dozen Donation Derby was created as a way to encourage the creation of Largess through friendly competition. The way it works is that entrants create 12 of one kind of item….your choice (see pictures for inspiration). Your items MUST be tagged and ready to be given out as largess immediately.

There are so many amazing ideas for the entries! Children’s toys, candles, soaps, jewelry, jams, silk painted fans, sets of beads, embroidered needle books, felted bowls… anything that maybe YOU would love to receive as Largesse!

This is not an Arts and Sciences competition so you do not need to document your items. However, if you have done a re-creation, please include that information on the tag!

Please include all ingredients for foods, soaps, candles…anything that someone with allergies will need to be aware of. Any scented items need to be sealed well to avoid airborne allergies.

During the event, people come by to see all you have created and vote on their favorite item by dropping a token in that entry’s cup. The winner is the entrant with the most tokens. An announcement about the winner of the derby will be made at the evening court that same day. …and the prize??!! The winner of the derby gets one item from each of the other competitors!!! So let your creative juices flow and get to creating! (Please Share to spread the news. Thank you).

See you at September Crown, THL Diana Cartier heraldic device for Diana Cartier [at]

Local Hotels

  • Sorted by distance from site
  • All information taken from the hotel’s website
  • All prices taken from the hotel’s website, there may be additional costs, taxes, and fees.


  • There are a variety of food and grocery options in Silverdale within 5-10 minutes of all hotels.
Quality Inn & Suites Silverdale Bangor-Keyport(360) 633-30832.5 milesgrab and go breakfast – WiFi – pets – $160/night
Oxford Suites Silverdale & Waterfront Bistro(360) 698-95502.4 milesbreakfast – onsite restaurant – Wifi – pets – $200/night
Best Western Plus Silverdale Beach Hotel(360) 698-10002.4 milesonsite restaurant – Wifi – Pets – $200/night

Downtown Bremerton

  • There are a variety of food and grocery options in East Bremerton along 303/Wheaton Way between the site and the hotels, near the hotels there are food options but no groceries.
Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Seattle Bremerton(360) 377-21117 milesBreakfast – $160-200/night
Hampton Inn & Suites Bremerton(360) 405-02007 milesbreakfast – Wifi – Pets – $180-210/night

West Bremerton

  • Hotels are sorted east-to-west (closest to site to furthest) along Kitsap Way
  • All distances are through town
  • A variety of food and grocery options are available along Kitsap Way and in the general vicinity
Motel 6 Bremerton, WA(360) 479-03697.5 milesWiFi – Pets – $100-125/night
Flagship Inn(360) 479-65668 milescontinental breakfast – Wifi – rates not available on website
Quality Inn & Suites Bremerton(360) 405-11118 milesgrab and go breakfast – WiFi – rates not available (sold out for Crown weekend)
Oyster Bay Inn & Suites(360) 377-55108 milesbreakfast – pets – WiFi – rates not available on website
Super 8 by Wyndham Bremerton(360) 362-45888.4 miles$100/night
Baymont by Wyndham Bremerton(360) 362-05498.9 milesbreakfast – pets – Wifi – $150/night


A list of local amenities, compiled by Theodoric the Scholar heraldic device for Theodoric the Scholar

Department stores


Of the three stores listed in the Department Stores section, Fred Meyer has a full grocery, the others have
grocery departments.

Hospital/Emergency Room



Auto Parts

Hardware/Home Center

Office Supplies

Crafts & Art Supplies

Dining – Family

Dining – Other