June Faire pre-registration is OPEN for the SCA populace

Pre-registration is OPEN through May 27th! This is for SCA populace members only — the public demo on Saturday is called the Kitsap Medieval Faire. More info on the Kitsap Medieval Faire can be found on Facebook and the web site.

Pre-registration is not required for the event or for land grab. It does save you time at gate (where you can pay by card, check, or cash). Pre-registration can be paid by PayPal, Check or Money Order, and fees must be received by May 30th at 11:59 PM. You are not pre-registered until your funds are received.

Registration for the SCA Populace

SCA Site Fees:
Multi-day / camping: $25 US for each Adult – only $15 with paid SCA membership
Saturday ONLY: $20 for each Adult – or $10 US with paid SCA Membership
FREE for Youth (17 and under)

For additional information on memberships, please visit SCA membership services (https://www.sca.org/member-services/).

Pre-registration for the SCA populace is OPEN! Link: https://forms.gle/V75ktsaqUK72LiuK9
For questions about event pre-registration: jf_prereg@dragonslaire.org

Camping for the SCA Populace

Camping is included in the weekend site fee. Camping pre-registration (“land grab”) is open through June7th. Pre-reg is highly recommended if you want to camp with a specific group and to guarantee space. But you are not required to pre-register. Please email us to CANCEL any landgrab.

Tent/pavilion and RV camping will be available, in separate areas.

Camping pre-registration: https://forms.gle/kT6LmRHLXuX7gZgy9
For questions about camping: jf_camping@dragonslaire.org

RV pre-registration: https://forms.gle/PcUsokthgn9BpmrN6
For questions about RV: jf_RVcamping@dragonslaire.org

More details on the event website…

– On this website
– On the Kingdom of An Tir Calendar
– Facebook event page for June Faire
– For the public part of the event on Saturday: Kitsap Medieval Faire on Facebook and the web